Windows 10 is generally very bad with updates. I have had windows 10 on 3 different systems now and I have had problems atleast once after an update on all 3 the computers. On the first computer there was GameDVR added to Windows 10 from the xbox app which fucked alot of games for lag, sensitivity glitches, brightness, etc.. On the second computer a windows update made my GPU driver not work/uncompatible, causing my PC to not show any signal on my screen. And on the last computer which I have now I don't really know what was causing it and couldn't fix it too but it again was due to a windows update, after logging in it showed me I had a 'Black screen of death' which was a black desktop and only saw my cursor, doing CTRL+ALT+DELETE worked but opening task manager did not, I could not open anything by key combinations.
Because of all these problems the final fix I did was downgrade to Windows 7/8. Fuck Windows 10 you know, if they can't even bring us proper updates then why still use it?