Off to that dark side of the internet again.

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Silly old willy, look what you've done. You've gotten water on my friendly old bum. And my bum eats plums cos a plum is yum! 10/10 would listen read again. (Kill me). No wonder the guy has a british accent, he's crazy!
After browsing around i found out that these are a few things you can buy on amazon:

Swiss army knife - $1,400 (Yes its a super one lol)
Canned unicorn meat $30
Uranium sample. - $50
Speakers - $999,999,999,999 - I shit you not. the comments are hilarious

here is a good link to watch
well the first vedieo really shocked me i was like wtf is wrong with that boy/girl (idk if its an boy or girl)
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