Old drug / pot models as vases?

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Description of the idea:
Bring back the old weed and cocaine potted plants as decorative plant props, both big and small, as well as the empty pot models.

The old drug plant models were basically just office plants anyways.

You should buy the vases at uncle cos and the seeds at chaddys. You craft the plant with fertiliser, 2 bottles of water, a vase, and a packet of the seeds. For the larger plants, you should need 5 seeds, 5 fertiliser, 1 large vase, and 5 bottles of water.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More decorations
- Funny jokes to show old players who have returned after several years, you can say “look I’m growing in city hall!” And they’d report you for it like good old times :)

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Would have to dig up the old models as I believe they replaced the new ones.
- Abuse as a defence prop.​
Since we have new plant models that could easily be added as craftable props, I don't really see any reason to bring back the old ones, apart from the meme. They weren't that great and would, in my opinion, look a bit out of place.
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