Olsen Band3n Organisation Giveaway

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United Kingdom, Devon
Olsen Band3n Giveaway

Olsen’s reputation has been known as the Organisation that constantly takes from the community and does no giving back, whilst this isn’t a topic I want to dive into, I certainly feel like it's time to give back to a newer player and assist in their development as a character.

There is no doubt that Olsen has been the most successful and established organisation.

With that being said I am hereby establishing a giveaway of which will reward the following:

  • 1x Organization Invite (only to winner) - this is optional.
  • 1x Sum of 100k in-game cash.
  • 1x starter kit - will include everything you need to get involved within criminal role-play.
  • All weapons in my inventory I do not wish to keep, these are highlighted below. (Green tick is what will be yours, along with ammunition not in the photo.)

After accepting the Organization invite you will be invited to all org bases, raids and be taught by both myself and other members of the organization. The process will last a month, from the 7th of July to the 7th of August, after the 7th a meeting will take place with myself and @Dom_ whether to keep you on or even offer a trial period for a permanent placement.

Staff members will also be in the organization to assist you with the understanding of rules and policies.


  • Less than - 500k in cars
  • Less than - 500k inventory
  • Less than - 500k in cash


Reply with the following to be included.

Name (OOC & IC):
Play time:
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else:

if you win you will be expected to provide evidence of the information you have put into the application, this is to ensure a newer player is helped and not someone pretending.

Name (OOC & IC):Ava Dawn Emma Ava
Play time:8h
Garage:mini cooper
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else:Personally, I feel that I deserve a chance at winning this giveaway as I have only just dipped my toes into the community and having these items gifted to me it will allow me to not only progress faster but it will allow me to mold my name into the community in greater detail by helping out other players myself and adding to the server in both Combat RP and Passive RP as having both cash and weapons would allow me to do that. I know it's always a risk with giving away these items to new players as you don't know how long they are going to stick around if at all, and that last thing you want is to give this gear to someone only for them to disappear the next day. However, I intend to stick around for a while and to experience this community in the best way I can and I feel this gear will allow me to do so in greater detail.
Name (OOC & IC): Fawad-Jan Safi (Nate)
Play time: Can't remember
Garage: A jeep or something or mazda rx7 cant remember exactly how I left off
Money: Ah Prob under 100k Id say maybe 50k
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else: I don't really but I'm praying that if I do get unbanned I could use this as a fresh start

(Idk if banned players can participate but worth a try)
Name (OOC & IC): Riley West
Play time: 1 month
Garage: Ford Transit
Money: 50K
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else: Look we all know I aint the best player on the server however im looking to change that. I believe with the guidence from olsen's members I can change the players perception of me and prove I am different than how I am perseeved. If accepted this will b ethe first step toward a better Riley. I want to get away from being a cop main (Only reason i do it is because whenever I try to base I get raided within like 5 mins) And get more imnvolved with crim roleplay. If given this chance I would not let any of you down and will make it worth your while.
Name (OOC & IC): Cohen (OOC)
Darryl Flowers (IC)
Play time: 1 day and 13 minutes
Garage: Mini Cooper
Money: 46k
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else: I deserve to win because i feel that i will really devote myself to the community, trying to enhance rp, if i have a little bit of a head start, that will assist me to do this. I feel like i can do lots of great rp with the money and items, and once i learn, try to help other new players.

Edit: Vehicle spelling mistake
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Olsen Band3n Giveaway

Olsen’s reputation has been known as the Organisation that constantly takes from the community and does no giving back, whilst this isn’t a topic I want to dive into, I certainly feel like it's time to give back to a newer player and assist in their development as a character.

There is no doubt that Olsen has been the most successful and established organisation.

With that being said I am hereby establishing a giveaway of which will reward the following:

  • 1x Organization Invite (only to winner) - this is optional.
  • 1x Sum of 100k in-game cash.
  • 1x starter kit - will include everything you need to get involved within criminal role-play.
  • All weapons in my inventory I do not wish to keep, these are highlighted below. (Green tick is what will be yours, along with ammunition not in the photo.)

After accepting the Organization invite you will be invited to all org bases, raids and be taught by both myself and other members of the organization. The process will last a month, from the 7th of July to the 7th of August, after the 7th a meeting will take place with myself and @Dom_ whether to keep you on or even offer a trial period for a permanent placement.

Staff members will also be in the organization to assist you with the understanding of rules and policies.


  • Less than - 500k in cars
  • Less than - 500k inventory
  • Less than - 500k in cash


Reply with the following to be included.

Name (OOC & IC):
Play time:
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else:

if you win you will be expected to provide evidence of the information you have put into the application, this is to ensure a newer player is helped and not someone pretending.

Name (OOC & IC):ZaNNie and Lanfranco Cicchetti
Play time:13d 6hr 54min
Garage:Mini Cooper
Why do you deserve to win compared to anyone else:I want to enjoy the server with good players also I'm not that new but I still have to learn a lot
I thought you were giving away the whole org when I initially read this.
You were in VoM when I was in it, had the option to go mugging with me and a few others but never did.