Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

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Join me in one sometime. Me and 3 other officers did one on business street for about an hour and a half and nabbed over 20 speeders. It was a fantastic time. Sad that there isn't more passive RP

Is there not? As an officer you could set up campaigns to target multiple law violations, such as:

Tax evasion - Hire citizens to try to purchase weapons without tax.
Stakeouts at storage - For illegal transporting

These are just a few off the top of my heads. It’s not that there are a lack of opportunities, you just need to realise not everything has to be handed to you on a plate and that you need to be creative.
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I disagree a lot with the forceful removal of doors which iirc was all due to people complaining about bazaar growing, people hiding inside bazaar shops and what not however complaining about bazaar growth I think cancels out with the amount of players who also like bazaar growth (especially new players). Then people hiding inside bazaar won't stop where as for the trade off is new players lose that safety net and are forced to base with orgs or to forest grow. To my experience as a new player, getting raided or shot and all that all because my friend did some dumb stuff or my org is for whatever reason beefing with somebody when I am nearly broke was not fun and livng on my own was a deathwish because when I tried that even at bazaar I would get mugged but it was better than any other property where I can be mugged way more easily without police around most likely. Not to mention the loss of roleplay opportunity with a lack of doors.

I suggest that the feature is made to be a checkbox instead that the owner of the shop selects when making the purchase for that property or do a funny and make it a fee to have a front door.


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I'm looking forward to seeing the results of the no doors experiment!
Today, I noticed that bazaar had less "tension", and an atmosphere that I enjoyed. Will it last?
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Has the extended NLR been factored into cops that die in or near PD? It means we cant get our car and go back on patrol for 15 minutes if PD is inside our NLR zone.
rip playing as cop during low pop hours if no one is able to pick you up
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Ohio, United States of America
Is there not? As an officer you could set up campaigns to target multiple law violations, such as:

Tax evasion - Hire citizens to try to purchase weapons without tax.
Stakeouts at storage - For illegal transporting

These are just a few off the top of my heads. It’s not that there are a lack of opportunities, you just need to realise not everything has to be handed to you on a plate and that you need to be creative.
90% of the time I'm having to respond to shootings so it's not like I have time unless I choose to ignore them lol
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This seems like a reasonably balanced update, however I'm predicting that we will see a rise in officers shooting fleeing suspects simply because they can't catch up when in Light TFU gear, and a rise in criminals intentionally starting foot pursuits with TFU officers knowing that they cannot be caught up to alone. Not necessarily an issue, just something to keep an eye on.

Also, as has been noted already, please add some sort of vehicle spawning/TFU downgearing option at the City Hall for officers who die anywhere near their spawn location, so that an already-boring wait is not extended to 15 minutes AFK. Either that, or have some official exemption on the rules for this purpose, as I'm sure that most would not be okay with chancing a potential warning or worse for NLR breakage just because they've misread the situation and want to get back on patrol.
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Parts Unknown
We won't have to worry it just join me and do speedtraps only which is ok as said by community management. It's the passive RP we want.
I disagree with a lot of what you have said on this thread.

Recently, many would have noticed, I have cop mained as the org I was in died (thanks to @amir @Segeco etc for getting banned)

Cops are OP, if we don’t win a raid/shootout it’s 2 reasons.

Poor organisation

Simply over powered (all arriving different times, being picked off)

PLPD needs to focus on tactics and organisation not just pew pew pew gonna respond to everything.

Orgs will now be smaller with less alies so even easier to defeat

This update is harsher on big crims than plpd

It just gives your average joe crim the chance to beat the biggest Zerg (PLPD)
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The Eras Tour
I can assure you that @curak messaged me over steam that I am not to set foot near PD to grab a car till it finishes.

Add it to the rules, that officers may retrieve their car or weapons, but may not carry weapons when in it.

Why would you listen to a belgian person?
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United States of America
What do I do when my car is in PD parking and I died near enough to PD so my NLR touches my car and the PD NPCs? (something that happens more often then you think). Not saying PD NLR shouldn't be nerfed, just saying when that happens as long as it does not impact the previous RP situation PD should be able to go and re-gear or get in there car to go patrol. Not to mention if I died in heavy TFU gear in that situation by policy I am forced to wait until I gear now to patrol, as I cannot simply go into another cop's car unless another active situation occurs.
An alternative solution is allowing police (and potentially other government workers?) the ability to spawn their vehicles at the city garage. Honestly I could’ve sworn you used to be able to do this a long long time ago but it would at least allow Police to respond to other situations.
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Tax evasion - Hire citizens to try to purchase weapons without tax
Stakeouts at storage - For illegal transporting
Already tried this, it was all but passive in my experience. People get very angry when they get caught illegally transporting, and don't even get me started about the tax evasion. They just scream incoherently over and over that it's not a law and always request supervisors. I've been shot even out of pure anger by sweaters over it. I've had some good experiences,but the majority are sadly mostly negative. I always keep my eye out for passive rp opportunities however.
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i think cops should have same crim rules they cant go back to place where they died even if they died

1. the NLR time will be same as before
2. shootout will end fast

for now if you have NLR use monorail to go to any place you need to go :) ;)

This makes way more sense. Crims have a limit of 2 raids per 60 minutes which must be abided by. Why not just have a rule PD can't return to a scene for 10 minutes after respawn ?

This would make a lot more people happy.

I have no doubt cops are OP at peak hours , but theirs 2 things people don't have experience with.

#1: non peak hours cops are not OP at all and are often times the entire department is slaughtered fully multiple times an hour.

#2: police are supposed to be OP so criminals don't turn the city into a crime infested cesspool.
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i hope the xp nerf wasnt intentional lmfao

298000XP for level 32, 9800 XP for level 5 in a 5 person org kinda cuck
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Already tried this, it was all but passive in my experience. People get very angry when they get caught illegally transporting, and don't even get me started about the tax evasion. They just scream incoherently over and over that it's not a law and always request supervisors. I've been shot even out of pure anger by sweaters over it. I've had some good experiences,but the majority are sadly mostly negative. I always keep my eye out for passive rp opportunities however.
i've had multiple people now tell me to kill myself and hate me for giving them 1k parking tickets

people get angry over anything
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