Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.
The Harper started back in 2015 when Harper Family moved to the city, quickly they realized that the real money was not in being hired by the government, yet they were very skilled lawyers.
They realised that they was on the poor side of the law, and decided to form a mafia, they named it The Harpers, quickly it started getting filled with members, and the fun started.
For a while it was peace, but then they got into some disputes with organizations like The Belinskys, PTP, The Cacuzzas, and the Standish family, but it the end it was all solved and harpers could be itself again, unto now It has grown to one of the strongest mafias around.
History will be continued from here.
Organization Structure.
Mr. Harper: The Boss.
Consigliere: Right Hand Of Boss, and a loyal member.
Underboss: It is the Underboss's job to physically maintain the organization's stability.
Captain: It is the Captains job to organize the Offence and Defence. Aswell handle members.
Capo: It is the Capo's job to organize the Soldiers. Make sure people bases together, and help in raids.
Soldier: Soldier is the lowest rank in Harpers, and are our trustful warriors.
Members count: Classified.
Apply Here
Use high-end guns! Such as Rifles and Snipers, or SMG's. And not shitty weapons like pistols.
Don't steal from other members.
Don't be a retard.
You need to listen to Orders from Higher Ranks.
Don't attract unnecessary attention from the authorities.
Don't attack allied organizations.
Don't betray the organization.
Don't disrespect or harm other members.
If a member of the organization needs your help, you are expected to help no matter what.
Don't purposely piss each other off.
You will need to be Active.
Organization clothing hex code color, Is a MUST.
Any break of these rules will be punished.
The weapons we most likely use.
Barrett M82


Barrett M82

Territory of The Hapers.
Here is were we usually are basing.
Glass Co.




Glass Co.


Organization Clothing.
The clothing in Harpers is free of choice, we just have a hex code color style.
For the vehicles, all are free of choice.
Allies and Enemies.
Allied Organizations
Enemy Organizations
Everyone, except Allies and Neutral's.
Neutral Organizations
Olsen Banden.
The Power Rangers.
The skid org/The Avito.
Paralake Kings.
Mafia Family Crime (Scrubs, ran off to hide with desimone)
If you wish to join feel free to apply using our application form.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
The Organization is made by permission from @xhantium
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