Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

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Hey there

There has been talk about an org update for a while. We have already figured out some of the stuff we would like added, and a few different options we could choose from.

Since there is a few ways this could be implemented, we thought we would ask the community, and get some discussion around it.

The current plan is to have some sort of leveling system, where you unlock a number of different things/perks by ranking up your org. As you rise in levels, it also becomes much harder to achieve the next rank. To make sure that the org is constantly doing their best to maintain the rank, and prevent inactivity from members it would also be possible to lose "xp", and decrease in rank. It would also be possible for org's to make allies, and enemies. If both parties agree, org's could either become allies, or declare "war" on eachother.

Keep in mind that all said above is currently just an idea, and is subject to change.

A few suggestions for discussion:

- What perks should an org get for leveling up?
- How does an org gain XP?
- How does an org lose XP?
- Should it be possible to gain more org slots?
- How many levels should there be?
- How would an org "war" work?
Get a number like 5 or 10 levels.
Gain XP for doing Criminal activity (Orgs are basically just for crime) such as growing drugs. Give the player an amount of XP per thousand units sold.
Lose XP if a player dies? Maybe only death by cop?
Org slots should be the majority of the reason for this. Start with like 10 org slots, and increase it by 5 or something every level.
10 max and 5 minumum
Both sides confirm the war. During the war, XP is rewarded for killing a rival org member and XP is lost for getting killed by a rival.

The perks would have to be very small or you may end up with a situation where one org is so powerful that nobody else in the city can do anything without being raided or potentially shot at for looking at someone wrong.
you could try and make an alliance feature where orgs can unite with other orgs allowing both to utilise org chat but leaving leveling systems (if that happens) to be seperate, or maybe even a rivalry system where gang wars might be implemented .
The perks would obviously not make an org "overpowered", nor exclude an org from rules or allowing people to shoot lowerd ranked orgs for no reason. Perks would rather be small thing, or constant upgrades to certain features.
Maybe make some high level-exclusive cars/weapons/items/whatnot to be rewarded for leveling up such as the tricycle, brooms, holiday dolls, etc. Basically just collectible knick knacks but shows you're cool
add gang turfs that gives perks based on what you own, owning the area near office gives you a discount in Uncle Cos or something. Bazaar will actually be used because they can sell discounted guns to people and people will buy because it's cheaper.
I think if we reward crime that would only increase the chance of the server being a cops and robbers with zerg orgs, although, we could reward orgs that start crafting or by doing some mini-quests(if possible), I think it's best to keep the rewards cosmetic or, some cash flow rewards, how about adding an investment system to orgs? Say orgs would invest a total of 1m into the art industry, this will give them a cash flow of about 10,000 per month? And some street credit/respect/prestige/level etc etc. This would encourage people to work together and do some sort of business outside growing, maybe when they do invest they must protect their business in certain events or it would affect their cash flow or even lose it!.
How does an org gain XP?
Killing rival members, growing drugs/crafting items in the vicinity of other org members. Killing cops sounds good aswell.

How does an org lose XP?
Dying to rival gang members, not performing certain activities with org members.

Should it be possible to gain more org slots?
Yes, with the leveling system you have in mind. At whatever high level, max should be 25-30 players at one time.
- How many levels should there be?
1-10, simple numerical range keeping in mind that the leveling will get progressively harder as you continue.

- How would an org "war" work?
Make an extra tab in the Org UI menu called "Relations" or some shit. In this tab you should include all the active organizations and should include an option to send a request to "ally" or to initiate a gang war. Making a new org permission such as "Can accept/deny requests to ally/war" would be nice. In an Org war, rival members should have a reason to KOS after some provocation, even if it's minor. This was previously talked about in a thread that I believe @John Daymon created.

In said thread, Daymon advocated that in org wars any involved players should be able to KOS at any point in time. This sounds fucking sick, but knowing our current playerbase, this would be fucking chaos. i'd say to maybe allow it in less populated areas so they can have real beef or be able to do it ANYWHERE if there is any form of provocation. Daymons thread got 46 AGREE RATINGS and several replies indicating that they would like a system like this.

Players in rival organizations should have a red text above their name saying "ENEMY" then the name of the organization, and of course their RP/IC Name following.

If this gets implemented im sure people will cry, but something like this is what people have been asking for for years now since the rules got stricter in regards to 2.5 being Enforced. Anyone who has played PERP in 2014-2015 knows what orgs were like. Some rival motherfucker crashed into your car and talkin shit? Blast his car up and teach his ass a lesson. I truly think that this will encourage more Criminal RP and allow people to actually RP like Gangs and Mafias. This NEEDS to be added.
Thats actually a great idea.

I played Scarface:The World is Yours where you had drug fronts and you can install cameras or hire gang members to defend.

As you mentioned something should damage the money flow when orgs invest in certain stuff to keep the game balanced. Buying certain perks can possibly add different defences to the fronts/businesses that the org invested in to.
Ok so here is an idea on the perks.

Organizations are going to have access to a new tab which will be called "Shop" there the organizations will be able to purchase items that will not be available to normal people. This could be new guns from " Smugglers" , new cars , clothes as well as " Industrial Items" which is going to be dedicated to machinery that a big powerful organization can use to produce items by the masses and of course at a lower price than they would do if they crafted the items individually. Machinery that would produce firearms at an extreme speed and more efficiently than normally therefore requiring fewer materials.
You could as well add machines that can produce more drugs etc.

Access to these would require exp levels and alot of money to purchase, but once bought by an org it would stay in their item stash. I could make a suggestion thread and expand on this if you want, maybe photoshop some pictures to give you a better idea as well.

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