Org wars in general.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: I guess adding a rule for org wars or changing 2.5 or something
Your version of the rule: ??.?? If an organisation is in war with another organisation it is completely fine for them to kill each other at any point of time till one of the parties give up, however a war has to have a meaning for it to actually be in place.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Because org wars now are lame as shit.
I do really love this idea but at the same time i feel it will be abused quite easily. I feel that within the rule it should state that you can only kill the same org member once every 30 mins - 1 hour. Because personally i dont fancy people camping CG waiting for me to get my car out every time i respawn/spawn.
but then that can fall under 3.4 if they are just camping in a public place waiting for you to respawn

it should be planned so that it is done quickly and in as little time as possible to avoid getting caught at the scene, not just a duck hunt around the server as you chase eachother around in your supercars
id just have a 2 man org with @Hazza and we would declare war with the entire server and rdm everyone (even though thats basically all we do on here anyway)
but then that can fall under 3.4 if they are just camping in a public place waiting for you to respawn

it should be planned so that it is done quickly and in as little time as possible to avoid getting caught at the scene, not just a duck hunt around the server as you chase eachother around in your supercars
More of an example of what sort of stuff could go down. Like say if one person from an org is on they are just gonna keep getting targeted etc.
But you still must make yourself aware that it is not easy to make money on perp. My deterrent for joining back to perp was the fact that I honestly can't be arsed to make my money back because it takes far too long and far too much stress. Think of this scenario. You went off for a few days and did not return to the server until those few days (Let's say 3) have concluded. You come back online and most of your org is inactive but little do you know your gang had started a gang war with another gang while you were away and you currently do not know about this. You goto Bazzar and you put multiple high-end weapons on for sale (M82s, AS50s SR-25s) and then suddenly some skid comes around the corner looking like he just crawled out of a barrel of liquid skittles and throws a Molotov at your shit. Now, don't just reply saying "Oh tuff it's not their fault" "Oh he should not be in a gang then" Wrong because people should not have to have such heavy losses. Gang wars should be fun not an extremely expensive deterrent. Everyone is in gangs nowadays so if you make gang wars extremely expensive to be in then now only would you make it un-fun and a pain in the arse to be in one but it could also deter people from going into one. You need limits in these things otherwise you will get a lot of complaining and a drop in gangs and you will have one gang that is wealthy and will become the new Olsen Band3n. Not because they are good at shooting but because they can afford to have their shit burned down twice every 60 minutes and the other one cant.

Maybe increase the number of times you can raid your enemy gang and how much you can mug them. Also being able to shoot them anywhere is far enough don't you think?
"it's not easy to make money"

sorry what the actual fuck?


People complain its such a big grind on perp, new drug system comes along where its SUPER fucking easy to make money, now you're saying its not easy to make money?

Like for real can the perp community EVER agree with each other? I'm getting a massive headache.
"it's not easy to make money"

sorry what the actual fuck?


People complain its such a big grind on perp, new drug system comes along where its SUPER fucking easy to make money, now you're saying its not easy to make money?

Like for real can the perp community EVER agree with each other? I'm getting a massive headache.
You get a stupid amount of money compared to the 24k every 40 minutes it used to be lmfao
the ideal perp scenario is gangs raiding each other while some idiot micspams Ride of the Valkyries or dont stop me now down their mic with molotovs and carbombs every 5 minutes and the pd constantly being called out

you may not like it but that is what ideal perp looks like

it needs to be batshit crazy with very little order or logic
the ideal perp scenario is gangs raiding each other while some idiot micspams Ride of the Valkyries or dont stop me now down their mic with molotovs and carbombs every 5 minutes and the pd constantly being called out

you may not like it but that is what ideal perp looks like

it needs to be batshit crazy with very little order or logic
for those without imagination
"it's not easy to make money"

sorry what the actual fuck?


People complain its such a big grind on perp, new drug system comes along where its SUPER fucking easy to make money, now you're saying its not easy to make money?

Like for real can the perp community EVER agree with each other? I'm getting a massive headache.
Noone ever told me that the new drug system is such a gold mine nor have I ever tried it myself but what I am saying is it takes time and effort to get things especially if you are not buying them and then some skid comes along and burns your shit down? I am still waiting for the constructive response that comes with a solution to not make gang wars extremely expensive to be in and thus making it a deterrent for those who cant afford to have their shit burned away twice every 60 minutes.
What if i agree?
The idea is great. But both sides must consent. And the others must gain knowledge of them being in a gang each time they die. Org colors should apply to this. But in general these wars should not take place in public, rather on the gang's turf. By public I mean bazaar, ch, hospital.. you get the idea.

They should take place in suburbs, apartments, and non populated industrial properties. Just so we don't get a pissload of people shooting at bazaar whilst the rest gambles or continues selling their ppks. And shit fps and all that.
The idea is great. But both sides must consent. And the others must gain knowledge of them being in a gang each time they die. Org colors should apply to this. But in general these wars should not take place in public, rather on the gang's turf. By public I mean bazaar, ch, hospital.. you get the idea.

They should take place in suburbs, apartments, and non populated industrial properties. Just so we don't get a pissload of people shooting at bazaar whilst the rest gambles or continues selling their ppks. And shit fps and all that.

I disagree with the second half of your statement because what will most likely end up happening is that people will be in those areas and just camp them saying haha u cant kill me or some shit; basically those kids you played tag with in middle-school and invented a safe house where you weren’t allowed to tag them. Murders in public are supposed to be swift and well planned, for example drive-bys: Hop out the car, shoot the guy down, finish him, hop back in the car and drive off all under 10-15 seconds.
I disagree with the second half of your statement because what will most likely end up happening is that people will be in those areas and just camp them saying haha u cant kill me or some shit; basically those kids you played tag with in middle-school and invented a safe house where you weren’t allowed to tag them. Murders in public are supposed to be swift and well planned, for example drive-bys: Hop out the car, shoot the guy down, finish him, hop back in the car and drive off all under 10-15 seconds.
Yes but this is a game with shit fps. Besides bazaar is already a shitfest.
The issue I see here is someone could declare war on an org randomly and just KOS people with no mutual consent.

Here's how it should go down in my opinion:

- Warring orgs take a particular district(s) as there territory by buying out a large number of properties in that area/district.
- KOS-ing should occur when enemy org member(s) enter the territory/territories claimed by the other org.
- KOSing also works vice versa as in you can come onto there turf to KOS them.
- The war is over when the side who initiated the war either get what they want from the other organisation or fail to do so and give up.

Thing is about gang wars is, you cant just say "hey im at war with u lol" then shoot up everyone wearing the same colour clothes as them, there has to be a motive and a benefit from doing so. Outside of PERP gang wars are initiated IRL over territory disputes.
I like that idea, maybe have Paralake split into 'territories' an org can claim a territory and thus they gain the right to kill enemy gang members, every minute they hold a territory they gain money, another org comes in and attempts to claim that territory they have to kill a certain percentage of the enemy org members to claim that territory.
- Fun
- Rewarding
- Money farming from zergs
- How to balance the earning if no one tries to take the territory all day.

Think of it like GTA:SA with the coloured areas on the map for the gangs.
No we should not make them get money from a territory but the idea from TheRealPleaseDiePie is good like make them buy whole projex or slums apartment and when a enemy org member comes into the building they can shoot him or the enemy org member can go there as an attack attempt on enemy org.
I like that idea, maybe have Paralake split into 'territories' an org can claim a territory and thus they gain the right to kill enemy gang members, every minute they hold a territory they gain money, another org comes in and attempts to claim that territory they have to kill a certain percentage of the enemy org members to claim that territory.
- Fun
- Rewarding
- Money farming from zergs
- How to balance the earning if no one tries to take the territory all day.

Think of it like GTA:SA with the coloured areas on the map for the gangs.

Thats not what I had in mind at all, My idea was an org can buy up a large amount of properties in that area and call it theres, not some Battlefield 3 conquest on PERP lol
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