Org wars in general.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: I guess adding a rule for org wars or changing 2.5 or something
Your version of the rule: ??.?? If an organisation is in war with another organisation it is completely fine for them to kill each other at any point of time till one of the parties give up, however a war has to have a meaning for it to actually be in place.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Because org wars now are lame as shit.



the video of Silent spraying 4 people down should be allowed. (can't find it LuL)
This sounds amazing, but coming to rationally think about it, it will completely change the integrity of the server, there will be much less RP and much more shootings, also random ass murders everywhere. Surely, the 2 parties might like it, but will it benefit the server?
Also if 2 people make 2 orgs do they just get to shoot each other constantly.

great in theory
i dont see it working
Cus we didn't do anything, we just sat and watched movies in the Office, the current ruleset doesn't allow it
I agree, but dissagree at the same time, when the server was "fun" back in like 2015 ish i remember making drive bys and spraying big subs house with ak's and stuff having big shootouts in the streets sometimes over what would seem now retarded, it was all for the sake of fun and giving people a reason to log on, like i couldnt wait to come on and wreck the rival org.
now, u do all of that stuff and it makes org wars boring, all u can do is raid and raid all over again and thats rare cause there is no bases.
Perpheads needs something to reignite interest. Perhaps it's time to be more daring by accepting strange suggestions to see where they lead?
Yes, I don't see how this was not ok as they didn't lose shit, just 10 minutes of their time.

The reason Silent and Youseff were banned for this wasnt for the massacre of jarheads, it was because they shot at civillians from the office roof, killing 3 innocents for no real reasaon.
I'll be able to make use of my 1 man org, this could be interesting if implemented correctly.
No molotovs and carbombs tho

I feel mollies and carbombs should be reserved for people who are the 'higher ups' of the org, you know, people who really are at the top of the org, examples would be org leader, their right hand man, etc. However, I do feel that within reason you should be able to engage other org members in public.

In this case I think "within reason" should mean not in a massive crowd of people near cops, but if you see them at bazaar, and it's not empty but certainly not busy, i feel that a hit and run would definitely be something that's okay to do.

Some of my favorite times were being the getaway driver for hit and run assassinations, like the time @Brinch sniped hung chow from the bazaar parking in the middle of an org war with the old Paralake Partnership. Good times
The reason Silent and Youseff were banned for this wasnt for the massacre of jarheads, it was because they shot at civillians from the office roof, killing 3 innocents for no real reasaon.
lol not true at all, they got banned for what is shown in the video because it was """""""""""invalid""""""""""""" as they should've spared the life of 10 people who would then go after them and try to kill them.

anyway didn't more people get banned and some org "left" recently? so looks like server population is down again................................. just curious
lol not true at all, they got banned for what is shown in the video because it was """""""""""invalid""""""""""""" as they should've spared the life of 10 people who would then go after them and try to kill them.

I mean its pretty true since I watched it happen and got shot and almost killed by them from hospital overpass.
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