Organisation Alliance System

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Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Topic: A system in-game for organisation alliances

Short explanation (in notes):
-The owner of the organisation can choose which organisations to ally with, which would send a request to the owner of the other organisation.
-There would be a shared organisation chat, (possibly /aorg) that both organisations can speak in.
-The organisations that are allied together would be able to see the organisation name above eachothers heads.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It's quite hard to keep in contact with members of an other organisation, especially if it is a big organisation. A proper alliance system would also let you see who is in your allied organisation (except when you are police of course) which would help massively.
I tried to create something like this with The organisation pact but it did not really work.

After quite a lot of time playing rust in the past few days, the server which we play on have a 'group' system which when added to you can not kill the people who are in your group. I do like this idea to a certain extent, maybe it gives you a warning upon firing or a '!' above peoples head who are allied with your organisation.

As for the organisation chat, I think that it's a little excessive to add an entire ally chat as it's not very realistic. You could however work around this by adding each organisation name onto the teamspeak app which you are allied with, you click on the teamspeak app and it shows a list of the organisations which you are allied with and upon clicking on it you enter their org teamspeak as normal.

The GUI which shows the organisation name above peoples head has been recently changed different since V2 came out, and does not show the organisation names above peoples head. I do feel that should be re-added and that it is a different colour (perhaps green) if they are allied with you.

I do feel that this suggestion is a little excessive and does not really need to be added, but as big organisations don't really work anymore and people do really need to ally I think It'd be a pretty good addition within the future.
We have two allies and not all orgs have a dress code so two orgs that are partners could mug each other without knowing. A big support from me

A system like this would increase the communication between organisations.
If you are being raided, you can quickly contact another allied organisation so they can come help.

Something Else:
I do think it shouldn't be just a quick chat like /org or you /aorg example. That would make it too easy to contact another organisation, but with like an app on the phone or something. Also, if you are allied to multiple organisations and you wanna have a private conversation with 1 ally, you can't use /aorg.

Allied organisations should be shown in the Organisations Panel of a normal organisation member.
+support At the moment i have a big friend i made few days ago in an allied organizzation, i think this would be helpfull also for allowing us to chat without taking out the phone everytime
It would be nice to see this added. It could be a little column next to the organization members called Alliances or something. But don't add it that you can chat with them since it would be excessive.
This is pointless this is not gta or saints row you should already be organized about what you do and how you structure your men instead of having 30 lose cannons.

If raidings a problem then find out what you are dealing with before you take action.
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