Organisation Panic Buttons

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Main idea: Make organisation panic buttons explicitly against the rules.
Description: Many people (myself included in the past) have used binds to say things in org chat. For example, one common bind is "/org [PANIC] need help at my last location!". These binds are completely unrealistic and should not, in my opinion, be allowed. No criminal gang irl would have a button they could press to summon their mates.

  • Will remove a certain element of unrealistic behaviour
  • Means that raids etc will become a little more realistic as you wont have 1000 C+ noobs turn up 10 minutes later.

  • People will get salty
  • Means that orgs have to actually do some RP.
I'll post a reply I made once in a thread, you were in it and I agree that org panic buttons should be get rid of

Imo org chat "panic buttons" should be banned; they are not realistic in any way
Not able to comment but here is what I said to @BlitZKrieG on another thread
Creepis said:
Thread is closed but the way I see how panics are being called out in the org chat is by holding the volume up and down buttons for some time which sends a text measage to your contacts/org contacts so this would be an explanation. Samsung/Android has this, not sure about other phones.

Either way I still think that this is very stupid and whoever came up with the brilliant idea to set up a bind to send a message to the organisation to panic deserves to be whacked. This is why I never used this but there are a bunch of people that use this that I won't name here.

Edit: I know who to whack now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Means that orgs have to actually do some RP.
As soon as I push my org panic it says "last known location" which keeps everyone guessing where I could be. Hola to all my Crafting+ hombres.
I both agree and disagree with this.
It's a mix really, to be fair not many people will follow this rule if introduced and such, I'm going to make a suggestion later today about some sort of 'Emergency Contact' button for the phone, where it sends a message to three or four contacts you've selected before and then when you press the button it sends them a text message stating your location and that you've pressed the Emergency Button. This might just give some people some form of advantage, however it only contacts four. The situations they could be in could be a lot worse (for example 1 being arrested, and two are already with you and one is not in the city) so being honest, it's quite fair.
This would be some form of 'image' that would go on the suggestion

Anyways, back onto the suggestion. It's good, but would people really notice it until they're told of?
I've used it many times, not recently, but in the past. It does help you when you're an officer and a civilian. As massive organisations (Harpers, Crafting+ etc.) will always use them to get out of situations. Where it's a massive downy to get them either arrested, or 6ft under.
Why not? People can still call for help just takes a few seconds longer. How would you enforce this. Surely someome could just make a bind for. "I need help!!" Etc
Why not? People can still call for help just takes a few seconds longer. How would you enforce this. Surely someome could just make a bind for. "I need help!!" Etc

Ask these geezas if they use a panic button
Ok here are my views on this, I do not often go cop but what I think is that people can still just write out I NEED BACKUP AT REGALS ETC, its just a quick way to let org members know you need help somewhere.

I guess you could say that it is unrealistic to do but as I said it wont take 2 seconds to write /org I need help at regals. If this was to be enforced there would be so many loop holes and ways around using it that its pretty much pointless, they do no harm other than calling for help but as I said if you see it as unrealistic you can just type something to get the same message across.
[DOUBLEPOST=1467840647,1467840156][/DOUBLEPOST]@Chrissy in some cases yes but you can get into cover and type and it will not take very long however i understand how you want it removed and i respect your opinion. (Phone)
See I don't say last location I use a prefix on one of my binds says "Business" , "Forest" and "City" so people can look for me.
Thanks for this insight into your top notch, ultra realistic roleplay Aaron.
I think the issue is that these orgs overuse their panic buttons so much. For example someone is being arrested and they don't know why yet. All of a sudden 10 panics come in and when asked why they go "Guy in cuffs dont know why". Sometimes this leads to a orgy of sweater wielding aks showing up to a guy being detained over a illegal transportation.
Hmm. I don't think this will pack out well. Instead of using a [panic button] as a bind. They'll just use another bind without ''panic button'' written on it that will use as the same function. I don't think you can add something like this in a rule to not allow it at all. That will also, like you wrote in the cons, people will get salty.

I though love to see that people really gotta call each other for help when it comes to roleplaying. But something like this is difficult to remove without having a lot of critizism from big organisations and players that only plant and raid.

Talking about the unrealistic part. Yeah, partially is unrealistic, but when you wanna remove this, you gotta remove the whole organization chat, since it is not realistic at all, since you actually don't use anything to communicate with each other (Maybe you phone though, since you need to have this).

I give you a -support on this one though, since it will bring a lot of fuzz with it and imo it is quite difficult to remove it.
Hmm. I don't think this will pack out well. Instead of using a [panic button] as a bind. They'll just use another bind without ''panic button'' written on it that will use as the same function. I don't think you can add something like this in a rule to not allow it at all. That will also, like you wrote in the cons, people will get salty.

I though love to see that people really gotta call each other for help when it comes to roleplaying. But something like this is difficult to remove without having a lot of critizism from big organisations and players that only plant and raid.

Talking about the unrealistic part. Yeah, partially is unrealistic, but when you wanna remove this, you gotta remove the whole organization chat, since it is not realistic at all, since you actually don't use anything to communicate with each other (Maybe you phone though, since you need to have this).

I give you a -support on this one though, since it will bring a lot of fuzz with it and imo it is quite difficult to remove it.
I disagree on it not being realistic. I think that if your growing drugs, and part of a big org. I think that you would invent something for the panic button. I mean there are people digging tunnels under wall between US and Mexico!
I don't know if this is the right way going about this. My personal opinion is getting rid of the organisation chat, I find it quite unrealistic that someone can be typing away into organisation chat arranging help whilst in front of an officer. Only solution to this though that I can think of is expanding the team speak 3 application in game to incorporate text chat and possibly. Also on topic of text chat, possibly when an officer has typed /gov or /radio and are righting out their message, it brings the radio to their face like it does on voice radio.
I agree with what Jordan is saying. I feel that kind of branching from his idea, it would be a lot more realistic to just have "Group Chats" where the organization would communicate through. Along with this, maybe a notification system so you can get little notifications about who's texting you? This would make it so you couldn't just run about constantly reading your org chat all the time, maybe you would miss a notification? Either way, you would have to navigate to your phone, inside your messages, and have to read and send them in there, overall just improving the whole system for the populous of Perpheads. While there are potential downfalls, most are in favour of making life easier on Perp rather than more realistic, so overall, the above stated would be a very beneficial addition to incorporate to your idea in one way or another or as its own suggestion. Either way, I'm interested to see how it grows.
I don't know if this is the right way going about this. My personal opinion is getting rid of the organisation chat, I find it quite unrealistic that someone can be typing away into organisation chat arranging help whilst in front of an officer. Only solution to this though that I can think of is expanding the team speak 3 application in game to incorporate text chat and possibly. Also on topic of text chat, possibly when an officer has typed /gov or /radio and are righting out their message, it brings the radio to their face like it does on voice radio.

Lit Jordan, lit. For as long as the text based Org chat is still a thing I don't really see a need to enforce this as a rule, sure having a Panic button has negative impacts as a lot of people have said. For example people will press these binds before they even know whats happening and that'll lead to a squad full of armed people turning up and making assumptions about the situation and it quickly becomes a clusterpickle of miscommunication. Having said that, if you don't have the initiative to actually find out what's going on before blasting it up with bullets then outlawing the panic button won't actually solve the problem. As far as the realism aspect of it goes, as I said earlier whilst the text based org chat is still a thing we can't really be cracking down on realism within it, and Creepis made a pretty good point with his volume buttons.

The panic button is just a faster way of calling for help and if it is removed nothing will change people will just type out their plea for help instead and the '100 C+ members' will still turn up and blast some major ass
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