Oskar Giles - 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Alex / Danny Bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Oskar Giles / Darkskelly #Shaun4Emperor
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53837836
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 he jumped out his vehicle at gunpoint and shot me. I also believed that Oskar was stalling the roleplay by not jumping out of the vehicle as soon as he was told to.
Evidence (Demo Required):


Also, i apologise the men were error, i had to restart my game and didnt have time to go on server.

@Oskar (i think thats him atleast)
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Alright, this is also your mistake but they also broke 3.4 by shooting a cop infront of the PD, NOT for ignoring gun point, i will explain below.

You have used your firearm to get them out of the car which they were not posing any threat to make you pull your gun out (Inappropriate use of Firearms) you should have ask them to step out or call additional unit to make them out of the car by battering ram.

Also you tried put 2 people under gunpoint which you cant, thats why officers should patrol with a partner, he used his chance and shot you down (which he broke 3.4 here but i assume he had a tough reason to shoot you or else.)

Also your biggest mistake was 'probably' telling them "Get out of the car." Instead of saying "Stay in the car." I dont know what were you thinking. ( I assume you told them to get out )

Please correct me if something is wrong on my view of the situation.

@The Marcx Man Thank you for correcting me.
(I cant comment on phone.)
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Look you had my friend gun pointed at the time i jumped out then shot you in the face. If you didn't have errors you can see that.
From what I can see:

You arrived at the PD, gun pointed the suspects inside the car and asked them to step out I assume? When one of them stepped out, the other one took a gun out and killed you in-front of the PD, which is a high risk for their own lives as they have no clue about how many police officers could've been inside and ran out and would shoot them down, we have a NPC watching the parking lot in front of the PD 24/7 (Gate control) I can't see if you dealt with the NPC, so please can someone involved in the green car upload his/her demo, there's a CCTV camera aswell facing towards the parking lot (CCTV hanging above the PD front entrance) if no one dealt with this the risk getting killed is even bigger since the dispatch and the 'NPC' had enough information about the suspects, since the driver of the car stepped out first and turned the engine off the risk of getting shot is even bigger because it takes time to step inside again and start up.

Also when a police officer which is standing in front of a car, gun points the driver or the passenger and one of them takes the risk to pull their gun out it's risking your life as a police officer has clear sight on both of you and he would have shot you straight away since it's literally a 1 second reaction, in this case the police officer pointed his pistol right in his face and still get killed it's putting you life at risk (ignore gun point)

I don't know what happend before you stopped at the PD but it's not needed to pull your gun out straight away, they still broke the rules, if you can tell me what happend before this, let me know!

Player broke rules:

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

2.1 Play Realistically-This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times.

6.3 NPCs - NPCs must be treated as regular players, where possible.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me!
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@Alex here is my point of veiw , When i pulled the shotty out you had your gun at the car not on me.

EDIT :Alex i was someone that just robbed the bank so i was paranoid and had to shoot you to make sure i would get away. The car I was in goes around 70-90 MPH and i think we could have hid.

It is accepted, this is because @Oskar broke gunpoint from an officer in front of PD. Also for shooting the officer at the PD where multiple officers including SWAT would be in. An NPC would have also seen the situation. The user also was sat outside the PD after doing a bank robbery, however they won't be punished for this.​
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