Description of the idea: Implement a panic button for roadcrew workers as they're government employees. Usually they're the target of petty crime when they're towing a illegaly parked vehicle and could use it to alert Police when their life is in threat and/or in immediate danger.
Also implement some sort of panic alarm or a 911 button for taxi drivers to alert authorities or locals around the vehicle when also their life is being threatened and/or in immediate danger. Possibly also add some sort of "silent alarm" where the taxi sign on top of the vehicle flashes on and off.
Both panics/alarms should send your current location to Police.
Why should this be added? (pros): Would protect more of the legal job employees that face some sort of danger when people can't behave, especially for roadcrew since they seem to get the most abuse from others.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Not all new players are too familiar with the concept of gunpoint and might press the panic alarm, breaking the rules. They might also not know what a panic button is for and might just press it whenever they feel like it.
Also implement some sort of panic alarm or a 911 button for taxi drivers to alert authorities or locals around the vehicle when also their life is being threatened and/or in immediate danger. Possibly also add some sort of "silent alarm" where the taxi sign on top of the vehicle flashes on and off.
Both panics/alarms should send your current location to Police.
Why should this be added? (pros): Would protect more of the legal job employees that face some sort of danger when people can't behave, especially for roadcrew since they seem to get the most abuse from others.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Not all new players are too familiar with the concept of gunpoint and might press the panic alarm, breaking the rules. They might also not know what a panic button is for and might just press it whenever they feel like it.