Paralake News Resturcturing and Finalization

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Main idea: Add a news reporter job (Hear me out)

Description: News reporters are currently an unpaid, free time job that nobody really does. I am suggesting giving it proper structure.

This is kinda the same undertaking as the police department was, however, and most of you are probably gonna thing it's just stupid but eh, I think it could work.

The news reporter job would have a base, which would have to be put... somewhere I'm not sure (Moron's might do actually, with a few minor adjustments, and it is very rarely used so it may be a good sacrifice.

News reporters would have a few different functions around the server, all of which would be managed by the existing Paralake News structure (Which would need a bit of a revamp) These functions would include, but possibly not be limited to,
  • Writing Articles
  • Reviewing Articles
  • Driving to scenes to record events/take pictures
  • Creating video broadcasts for the official weekly news video (If we made one)
  • Interviewing people for stories
  • Performing investigative tasks around the city into various places and their functions (Such as the efficiency of the couriers, reporting when they trash packages randomly, or RC not doing his job/reckless driving, that sort of thing that makes the news IRL)
News reporters would be provided with vehicles as well to use for their jobs. I would assume it would be a news van (GMC Vandura possibly, upgraded so it doesn't get stuck everywhere and can get to the scene on time to catch the story.) This will allow Paralake News to have an announced presence around the city, and distinguish the reporters from other random civilians.

News reporters would obviously be provided with the Camera SWEP, similar to firefighters getting fire extinguishers to enhance their reporting ability and save them the time of having to disable the usernames, or drive back to get their camera.
They would also be provided with a pair of binoculars.

News reporters would also receive their own "Broadcast" function in order to send headlines out to the city, these could be (As the mayor is in red, and advert is tan, a light blue color) Which would be free of charge and stop citizens from assuming the identity of Paralake News without consent, and damaging the image of the company. This would also assist police officers as their broadcasts would no longer be necessary, as Paralake News could already be on the scene reporting.

Additionally, there would be a new phone number added, similar to Taxi and RC, where you could call in to Paralake News, if you had a story to report. This is likely one of the easier things to implement on this list

Add a fun press cap to the players who are news reporters as the "uniform"View attachment 2689

Finally, this job would, like other jobs, force you to stow illegal items. However, it would pay at least as well as any other legal job (I'd suggest higher as news reporting is a very involved process at times.)


  1. Easier to report on articles as you do not have to use your own fuel and car
  2. Makes Paralake News feel more official
  3. Could revitalize the news section as it is a paying job
  4. Could make News staff feel like they are actually making a difference throughout the city
  5. Adds another layer of depth to the city as there will be a proper company operating with marked vehicles.
  6. Will help players stay up to date on the latest goings-on inside the city with the influx of new articles by paid authors.
  7. Will mean Ayjay doesn't have to pay us with his own money if we're gonna get paid.
  8. May encourage people to join the news reporter position if the pay is right.
  9. Adds another legal method of making money to de-cops n' robbers the gamemode (After all this is a Serious RP Server according to the load screens)


  1. Will take a long time to code and implement
  2. May be seen as excessive by some players
  3. Requires dedication from the news staff (Which is currently severely lacking)
  4. Will require a restructuring of the current news system
  5. Requires a new vehicle skin to be added, possibly a model as well

Note: Thank you for reading! I know this probably won't get accepted, but I figured what the hell, I'll post it and maybe it will! This could really help get Paralake News going again, and with that we could change the city for the better.

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