
Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom

The site is finally out! Currently, we only have 2 journalists and one article on the site, so we'd really appreciate new applications!

View jobs here;

The first article + Exclusive ParalakeNews interview!

I'll post here every time an article of any significance is posted, id recommend joining our discord too if you'd like updates!
Voting for atleast one article per day, so i finally got a useful newspaper to read in the morning. :laughcry:
Anyway, nice job there & keep it up! Looking forward.
@McGlinchy whats so funny?! :banghead:
I’ve read that when you retire you should find something todo, why not be interviewed for the news?! Who doesn’t want to be on Fox!?
@McGlinchy Yes! I think my thread was very constructive. Waited a long time to say it. Can’t be saying stuff like that while in the PD. That would look bad!
I’m upset I was not interviewed :( I have an unedited version of what I posted :rolleyes:
@McGlinchy these ratings up set me! I’m retired, remember that.

One day I will tell you about the two attempted take overs, the suspected creep and the under table deals!:nailbiting:

The quality of staff these days smfh