PassiveRP - Discussion

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(This thread was written during the night 02:41 GMT+1. I do apologize if there are any spelling mistakes which might cause confusion or sentences that doesn't make sense. It'll be corrected if possible later today.)

I've been member of PERPheads for a very long time. It's not a secret that I prefer PassiveRP over "CriminalRP". I rarely grow drugs, mug, raid etc. This is despite it's extremely common activities on the server. Over the past year I've noticed a worrying tendency which has evolved into the current assumption on how to behave while interacting/roleplaying with others. I know that it might sound a bit harsh but I believe that some people have misunderstood the concept of SeriousRP.

I know that "CriminalRP" is preferable among many but it's currently dominating the server. I think it's a shame. Those who join the server with the intention to roleplay "realistically/properly" might get disappointed. Luckily there's hope. The server rules partly "protect" those who take time to purchase a house, place props in matter to make it look realistic without any intention to either violate the law by growing drugs or intentionally attract criminals:


I've often experienced that exclusive/expensive vehicles have pulled up at my house. Then multiple armed men with expensive assault rifles and expensive suits step out of their vehicles and approach my house with the intention to raid me for ANYTHING with the slightest value that might be within the property. This is regardless if it's $50, 3 burgers, a pistol etc.

Those people are NOT desperate and in urgent need of money. By raiding they're putting their lives at risk and rule 3.4 says: "(...) for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable." However, it doesn't seem like the rule is being enforced/interpreted properly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand it as the result of the raid must outweigh the risk of losing your life thoughout the act to a certain extent. Is it worth to die for a small amount of money when you clearly already own everything that you desire? Is it due to boredom? There are no guarantee to get anything when raiding. I accept the fact that regular raidings is a part of PERPheads and Paralake City but as previously mentioned I think it's slightly unrealistic that raidings occur as frequently as they currently do. Afterall, as said in rule 2.1: "This game mode aims to emulate real life (...)". I'd like to know how many people who experience daily/occasionally raidings by millionaires in real life.

I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone and I have to admit that I love the adrenaline rush that you experience when you get caught in an intense situation, such as a raid. I'd also like to thank those who attempt to PassiveRP despite the current conditions and those who attempt to fight back against the criminals through legal governmental duties like police officers. Yet the balance is far from "fair".

Some people could use their imagination and encourage others to PassiveRP more often. It has become a rare sight. In fact some people find PassiveRP so strange that they don't know how to handle it. My RP-character is currently an eldery man, Bob Nixon, whose best IC-friend is Martin Checky (@Madda). We once decided to show others our PassiveRP lifestyle by simply enjoying a 'Cup of Joe' outside of the coffee shop. We placed the cups on the table and turned on the radio (Smooth Jazz). Many people ran up to us and stole our coffee and changed the radio channel. We were both left in disbelief over seeing some relatively "experienced" players behaving that way but apparently that's what PERP is about these days; raid, steal, kill despite you already got enough resources to ensure your own survival and well-being.


I got raided 3 times within 1 hour by 3 different criminal organizations today. The server has certain rules which were made to ensure a proper RP atmosphere. Imagine if we all became criminals. It's obviously fun to be the superior rather than the prey. "CriminalRP" is an absolute necessity for the survival of the server/game mode. However, it has to be limited. It doesn't require much intelligence to become a criminal. Challenge your own imagination and see the many possibilities which the City of Paralake offers to PassiveRP once in a while.

It's not impossible to combine a criminal lifestyle and PassiveRP. We used to isolate ourselves within the Suburban area and we'd rarely raid others compared to the majority of criminal organizations:


The intention with this thread is to debate whether the possibilities of PassiveRP are still "existing" to a certain extent. I'd also like to hear people's thoughts on my point of view. How to prevent PassiveRP from going extinct/less common?
I enjoy PassiveRP but I believe CriminalRP is only more common because it is more beneficial as you gain money from it. If there was some kind of benefit for PassiveRP it would be encouraged a lot more.
I try my best with my family to add a little passive rp in there so it isn't just 24/7 drug growing so I get your point.

It's always refreshing to see or witness some passive rp and I'd like it to be a more common occurance
My organization, Hotline: Paralake, doesn't really do direct passiveRP, but we don't go around raiding everyone for no reason. We do it for the roleplay, if anyone's played Hotline: Miami we do pretty much everything like they do.

I was very dissapointed when I was being arrested over how much the police were ignoring any kind of rp, even shouting in their microhopnes "OUT OF CHARACTER YOU'RE UNDER GUNPOINT 3.4, 3.4!". After being caught, my character was crying and was bleeding very badly. This was completely ignored by the two or three cops that had followed me of course. When we were going to the PD I told them in /looc that talking out of character in the microphone, especially in roleplay situations like these, is 3.24. The cops completely ignored that and kept talking out of character in their microphones.

Good roleplay is rare these days, unless you're roleplaying with enforcer material+.

also written late at night, don't kill me for it
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I Love PassiveRP-ing. But as you said people find it strange cause CriminalRP is such big of an influence on the server. Me and a few buddies once made McUwes an actual fast-food-bar where people could come and eat and drink. We got raided twice because some idiotic people thought it could be fun to ruin it all and take everything. I Gave up there. CriminalRP is fine but people are raiding for no good at all like you said.

You know @LordTyla you should try to do this once. Just own some place and set up something with it. Like McUwes fastfood or Hungry Schweinz Restaurant. Or perhaps a lawyer company set up in office. It's fun to PassiveRp if you're creative.
I would really like to see PassiveRP, I dont really need Half-Life 2 Roleplay Passive style, where you can walk around city for 30 minutes and nothing will happen or sit on bench for 15 minutes and type with someone, but I would like to see some aswell. :)
I tried to passiverp, i bought subs 7 and decorated it like a real house, i left to go to pd and pick my friend up who decided to try passiverp, when i come back someone had planted a bomb so my door would explode and my whole house was chaos, atleast i tried ;(
I think it's safe to say that there are organizations such as merryweather security, Hotline, dragons or even my organisation where passive rp exists.
My recommendation for you is to do stuff that encourage PassiveRP. Set up a show or something, a tour, a bar, everything that you think that is worthy of spending a little bit of money for maximum enjoyment. Since you like military (I believe) you can set up a military training program that will help people defend their property and even help people be better cops. You can contact me in a PM if you need any help or planning to set it up, even though I'm quite broke I will even pay for the whole thing. I like seeing players like you who understand the purpose of RPing and that it's not only about growing drugs all day to get a good car. I will help you in any way you want me to encourage PassiveRP on this server. A side note for you:
Try to not get too close friends with people that mass grow when playing, this will easily drag you into it. It is still your choice though, not forcing you anything.
Seeing you are a player from EvoCity I know you've seen better days, I had much fun RPing as a rich gangster godfather like, just me and my friend, absolutely no growing/robbing, just damaging other gangs' economy. Blowing up their cars/izzie's palaces when it was owned, and much more. I felt like I was actually RPing. The city was live back then, now when there is a much bigger map everyone is closed in their property giving them much easier farming drugs.
Anyways, best of luck to you, hopefully this thread has impact on some people.
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People arnt even rping criminal organizations correctly and most orgs are like csgo or saints row 3 type of shit and mostly just raid and grow.
As some might know, I like to decorate my property rather than putting up defences, as it feels so empty and ugly without decorative props, and I think more people could give it a shot along with passiveRP and decorating, I joined Arnott Industries recently and I was positively suprised by all the others who made offices/etc. as I'm used to people prioritizing defences most of the time, and I believe a property filled with decorative props encourages passiveRP more than a property with defences everywhere.

If you got 100 000$ to spare, purchase/craft decorative props and make your own style, that amount gives plenty of props to fill most properties. I love seeing decorated properties, hell, even a hick town shack can be made cozy, I've done it myself. I've been molotoved several times aswell, just save up till you can afford it again, It's worth it.
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Me, @Prepper and @Venomine often try to find someting new to do. However, no matter what we are doing , someone manages to ruin our passiveRP.

Here are some examples. Once me and Prepper decided to be milk delivery. Basically people would call and order milk. This went well until someone called us to the city gas station. We arrived ans saw no one. After waiting for a short period of time, the caller started opening fire at us from the office, apprantly beacause we were "virtnam heroes".

We also tried to start up a clinic, inside one of the rooms at the hospital. We placed props and decorated it, and when we were finished we all were amused how great it looked. We had some patiens to take care of, and some of them were nice people and loved our idea. Then, one of them refused to pay and disconnected. Then this other guy came and stole pur decorations (news papers, water, bandages e.t.c).

My point here is, there is alot of fun passiveRP you can do. But some people just has to ruin some of it.
The reason why no real passive rp finds place due to this community is quite well how do i say this without offending anyone. The community is quite bad. I don't want to offend anyone.
PassiveRP is fun but usually gets ruined by the typical PERP raid/mug 24/7 atmosphere but it is managable if you can replace stolen goods.

I've done some RP shops. For example, I had "Ali-Baba's 100% Halal Kebab and Döner Restaurant" which was quite fun. @Mannerwaffel joined me in the restaurant later and we served kebab together by cutting imaginary kebab meat on the wall that was in disguise of a fish, box of springs as yoghourt and a watermelon as fresh salad. We also sold some fine Turkish tea which went for $100 each (Cup of Joe's and Kebab/Döner were just Hamburgers that also went for $100 each) Unfortunately, Trande the communist ( :kappa: for good measures) killed me trough the door for some reason and stole my kebab knife (Machette).

I am also going to do a HotelRP later at the Office when I have enough money to do it. Lots of rooms with furnitures, beds, TVs and much more. @TheFrozenMonkeyKing did this before I believe. Sadly, it got raided by The Army (@Chris), we got nothing out of it (Duh) but atleast we got to plan everything very professionally. We made a map of the Office with metal rods, layed them on the ground and it looked like the Office and the road. We planned on how to prevent the police from entering the roads, which was basically putting 2 of our raptors right on the road, making a roadblock. Not sure if anyone was near the roadblock, shooting at cops so they back off but it was not worth it anyways.
You see, this is exactly what Ive been refering to for the past Year or more... Any time I pointed out that CriminalRP is being handled very un-realisticly and it needs something to be done about it, all the admins just turned their sight away. Many time I have publicly raised the question why are some un-named Staff team mebers even, in the Staff team when they cant perform Serious RolePlay, almost every time I have been answered by "We enforce rules, not RP.", in other times I have been simply told to "Fuck off. Which by my opinion are really un-acceptable answers, for a Serious RP server's staff team meber.
I am more than happy, to see that someone else out there shares my opinions and believes.

Despite me running a Mafia-like Criminal Organization, I have done and am doing everything in my power to make as much Passive RP as possible. To be completely honest about 50% of RP in my org is PassiveRP at this current momment (I know that some people might mention some of the people that were in my organization, have not really followed this, but those have all been already fired) ; - Doing meetings, Going for fishing trips, Having a dinners in the restaurant, Running a casinos, Living in houses, Giving out interviews, Doing funerals, Going into the park for a walk with a Cigar. This is of-coruse parted with a Realistic Criminal RP; - Sending Capo groups onto tasks handed out by the higher ranked Mafia members, Doing drive-by(s), Threatning people for protection money, Raiding mostly only the conrimed enemies, Hanging out at the Pub, Intimidating by numbers/power/professionality and over-all personal integrity and qualities of the certain Mafia members. I even go as far, as respecting most of my enemies, for they have achieved enough to become ones. As a Mafia-like Organization, I try to solve most of my problems by a diplomatic way and all-present intimidation tactics. As being a Godfather of this Mafia, I presonally participate in raids only very rarely and most of the time I have a an escort with me, when venturing through out the city.

As for my personal PassiveRP, I develope my character in many ways; - Expanding its own backstory, A cover job for the public, Desire for treats like Cigars and rare Alcohol, Building relations with some of my Mafia members, Listening to a clissical music, And some more stated above in the over all, aswell as I frequently visi the Paralake gravyard to honor the past of the ones that have already passed away.¨

Obidan is the only Godfather I know, who reserves a room in his base, for his office. In which he will carry out meetings.

He has always been a professional when it came to CriminalRP and running an org. Just as he as always been know for his Cuban cigars and whisky. I believe he stuck to the old fashioned way of behaving when running organisations.

Overall he is a great guy, and it was always a pleasure to work beside him.

Here are some examples:



Thank You,

Obidan66 / Eddie Grey.
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Me, @Kitty, @Standish, @Loejseren and @ChewKokLong420 had some great PassiveRP in hicktown with our little fishing village and as far as I know we all loved it everyone was excited about the fact we were going to buy it and make it into a little village and yeah fishing was actually really fun and I enjoyed it however of course we had our drugs in the back of our trailers :kappa:. I just think that people don't do PassiveRP because of the little gains you get from it like money wise all people want is the expensive cars and money in the bank and I'm not saying i'm not one of them who doesn't want a Ferrari 458 or Bugatti. If there was a way to make a profitable/decent amount of money whilst passively rping that'd be pretty cool
Yea Prepper is right here :mrlewis: To be honest this is a serious rp server means you also have to use the /me function as often as you can. The problem is many people do not take this serious and think raiding and growing is more fun. Just try it out, Passive RP is fun!
Thats me @Madda and @Creepis doing our well known "Wheelchair RP". Watch it till the end, and have a giggle. :kappa:

PS: @Panda you fuckface forgot to mention me! :ethan:
Tried to RP as a photographer once, charging only $500 for a session. First person who called pointed a gun at me and mugged me. When me and Arron attempt to do a party, there is always someone that dies. Its not that people don't try to passive RP, but like you said its extremely hard due to a few people.