PC Build

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Hello you lot, I really want to get a new pc.

problem is, i have no clue where to start (my mate made my last one)

I want to do one through PC Specialist with a price of up to £800.

I want to be able to play gmod with a high frame rate aswel as games like dayz/arma.

If you enjoy this sorta thing it would be great to see some pcspecialist builds! (you can create a link that copies your build!)

Cheers guys!
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I got my current PC through PC Specialist, i highly recommend, GMod and Arma are very different games however £800 is a reasonable budget, ill see if i can find one for you
Honestly, pick a CPU and GPU that you find good benchmarks for and then try to squeeze all the other components into the budget. That's what I do most of the time. Pcpartpicker is quite helpful
Yeah but from personal experience, I have had no problem using them for a budget build!
i know it adds a premium but im not that fussed, i know building PCs is easy for people but i cant deal with the hassle
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some requirements would be nice to configure something but nowadays you buy a rzyen 3600 and slap a 1060 in there and call it a day.

i can set you up for a max value build but keep in mind if you select the parts and build it youself you can squeeze out maximum value. Remember that any vendor and builder, like PC specialist has to make a profit and their profit margins could mean the difference of a 1070 and a 1070TI

- Do you want bulk storage or FAST storage? (e.g: 2x 4TB HDD, or PCI.E SSD's for epic boot and load times)
- do you plan things besides gaming
- is good wifi a requirement
- other things
1) fast storage
2)not really, do abit of coding and work emails on the side but nothing like video editing.
3)good enough wifi. at the moment i hit about 2 m/bs download on steam (my wifi speed is 17.4 m/bs)
4)(other things) i may consider building it once i work out the price difference
17 megabit works out to 2.1 megabyte so the speed makes sense (speedtests display in megabit, steam displays in megabytes per second.

ive worked out the difference in price and it costs ~300 euro's more on PCSPECIALIST than ordering from competitors and building yourself. This is after the fact that they upsale you more expensive parts too which you dont nessesarily need, and i didn't include a windows license on the other page. Windows costs 139 euro's, but you can get a key for 10-30 euro's or just torrent it like everyone does nowadays.

again it's completely up to you but i really advice you to just build yourself, you'd save yourself 200 bucks and only have to wait 1 day for delivery..
Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce 1660 Ti OC 6G - 300 pounds
Intel Core i5-8600K (outperforms i7 7700K) - 250 pounds
You're left with 800-550=250 pounds

So motherboard around 50-80 pounds (MSI H310-A)

Leaves us with 170 pounds

Case 50 pounds
RAM 70 pounds (2x8gb) - (GeIL EVO PPOTENZA 16GB - 2x8GB)
CPU Cooler 20 pounds

Leaves us with uhm... 30 pounds.
Power supply - 50 pounds (450W)

-20 pounds now oh well. Bankrupcy is the only way to go.
And lastly get an SSD or a very speedy HDD - 100 pounds.

-120 pounds Tweak these things to get within your budget, so maybe decrease the GPU to something else.
Hello you lot, I really want to get a new pc.

problem is, i have no clue where to start (my mate made my last one)

I want to do one through PC Specialist with a price of up to £800.

I want to be able to play gmod with a high frame rate aswel as games like dayz/arma.

If you enjoy this sorta thing it would be great to see some pcspecialist builds! (you can create a link that copies your build!)

Cheers guys!
Build it yourself. Trust me it’s not difficult and normally cheaper.
not even normally cheaper, it's always cheaper! like 200 euros cheaper
got my pc off the facebook marketplace for £200, worth about a grand, always loads of bargains dont bother buying a new one
I wouldn't use PC Specialist at all They cheap out on parts such as the power supply which leads to the PC dying within a few years