PC Overheating

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For some reason, every computer I've had always had overheating issues. My PC that I've had for just over a year is starting to overheat on big games, i.e. Escape from Tarkov and Siege even if I put them on lowest settings. I clean my PC out from dust regularly and use compressed air, so I don't think the dust is the problem nor do I think it's dust in my heat sink. Any ideas?
  • If you're using a stock cooler, which you have gotten with the purchase of the CPU
    • Stock coolers are weak and are not meant for high temps, they're just meant to keep the CPU alive in normie PCs.
    • Stock coolers do not have the power to cool your CPU
    • Get a CoolerMaster 212 Evo - Annoying installation, but works like a charm.
  • Shitty Thermal paste
    • Do not use the stock thermal paste
    • Get Arctic MX-4
  • Dust
    • Clean your fans from dust
  • Shitty case
    • Airflow is very important when buying a case. Hope you didn't go just for the looks.
    • And please for the love of god don't leave your case open and call it good airflow
  • Case fans
    • Make sure the fans on your case are fully operational and that the temps inside the case aren't the cause of this issue

Can't remember any other issues at this moment..
i have it and its really good , i bought 1 from amazon and had delivery issues , i got refunded and ordered another one . turned out that i have 2 coolers in post mail lmao
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