Police Suggestion PD | Disabling Car Bombs

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Somewhere in Scotland
Suggestion Title: Disabling Car Bombs
Suggestion Description: A Tool or Ability to remove a Car Bomb from a Vehicle if you are TFU. TFU Can disable Remote Explosives with there C2 but Car Bombs would need a complete different function since you would not want to blow up the car. Maybe a function where it takes you 2-3 minutes as TFU to disable or remove the car bomb. This will result in TFU not killing themselves and burning in the fire just to disable a car bomb. I know you could just call roadcrew to tow it away or respawn it but being able to set up a perimeter and manually remove it then detonate it or just remove it would be way better and more realistic.

Why should this be added?:
- Removes the Risk of Officers or Civilians Killing themselves to remove the car bomb
- Better Emersion

What negatives could this have?:
- Nothing I can think of but someone in the community will have negatives.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This Suggestion would resolve the need for people to end there lives + destroy there cars to remove a Car Bomb. This will also remove the need of people respawning there vehicles to remove the car bomb which would be unrealistic.
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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
I think this is a great idea. Only way to deal with car bombs is isolate and shoot it to blow up the car. Although I won't lie the isolating and detonating is realistic to some departmetnts SOP, but ingame with the amount of car bombs people place it gets too crazy.
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