DISCLAIMER: Though members may provide insight into medical matters in the community the advise is not intended to officially diagnose, treat, or cure any potential medical issues. Further, the advise of the association will always be to seek local, certified medical consultation, such as from a general practice physician, for any medical issues.

DISCLAIMER: Though members may provide insight into medical matters in the community the advise is not intended to officially diagnose, treat, or cure any potential medical issues. Further, the advise of the association will always be to seek local, certified medical consultation, such as from a general practice physician, for any medical issues.
Welcome all to our very own PERPHeads medical community. Many people in PERP have a background or future in medicine, but because of the advanced nature of the profession people may find it hard to chat about it.
I wanted to create this so medical/future-medical professionals in PERP can help gain some resources. The purpose of this threat and group is to provide:
- Medical intellectuals to chat with about professional topics,
- Career advice to both prospective members and current,
- People to play advanced medical roleplay with or even games to play games, such Arma 3 (ACE Medical Mod), which require more medical background for proper execution,
- Provide a source for the PERP Community to query on medical realism in PERP, other games, or in community matters.
Current Membership
Garret Pierzchajlo (Thread Admin) | @Garret_Pp | Junior, Biology of Medicine Bachelors Studies (Pre-Med)
Chris| @Medulla | MBBS Medicine (Medical Bachelors, Bachelors of Surgery | Pre-med)
Bob Nixon | @Prepper | Firefighter; Medic in Danish Army; Training EMS
Jaden Rogerson | @Scrabuz | Sanitäter (For US: EMT-B)
@SleepyMode | EMT
@Illusion™ | EMT Training
@Teemo | Pre-Medical General Sciences (Triple Science GCSE)
Feel free to comment below with questions or assertions. Also feel free to start a professional discussion on medical topics below. If you would like to join please message me.
Thread Rules:Garret Pierzchajlo (Thread Admin) | @Garret_Pp | Junior, Biology of Medicine Bachelors Studies (Pre-Med)
Chris| @Medulla | MBBS Medicine (Medical Bachelors, Bachelors of Surgery | Pre-med)
Bob Nixon | @Prepper | Firefighter; Medic in Danish Army; Training EMS
Jaden Rogerson | @Scrabuz | Sanitäter (For US: EMT-B)
@SleepyMode | EMT
@Illusion™ | EMT Training
@Teemo | Pre-Medical General Sciences (Triple Science GCSE)
Feel free to comment below with questions or assertions. Also feel free to start a professional discussion on medical topics below. If you would like to join please message me.
- Remain professional, no obscene comments or excessively negative language,
- Please recognize this thread is view-able to layman observers, do not share obscene images openly. If it is required for a discussion provide only a link to the image(s) and/or video(s) with a disclaimer describing content,
- Keep politics out of the discussion, this thread is for medical matters,
- Insurance may be discussed when referring to it in these contexts:
- Compliance (such as PQRS with Medicare),
- Coverage (such as what types of insurance cover what),
- Matters discussed in medical journals related to insurance (please cite article).
- It is generally expected that you should cite sources, especially when referring to journals and studies,
- Only cite in APA (American Psychological Association) or AMA (American Medical Association),
- Do not intentionally make false or misleading statements,
- Do not give specific medical advice on this thread,
- General medical advise may be given when citing the official guidelines from reputable sources (Such as journals or medical associations),
- Educational and practice medical cases may be presented here but all material must remain HIPAA complaint if regarding specific cases you have encountered professionally,
- Consultation may be provided on all educational and practice medical cases presented here. These cases will generally be pulled from journals or practice cases from medical boards. These consultations are subject to the disclaimer listed at the top of this threat as is all other content.
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