PERP MineCraft Plugin

Reaction score
Georgia, United States of America

PERP Server Plugin Log

lastest build...[0.6.1]
lastest stable build...[0.6.1]


: Rolls random number between 1 and 100.
/describe (or /desc) [text]: Describe the actions of a player.
/advert [text]: Advertise a product or service.
/act [act]: Preform acts in chat.
zombie (long with a little message ;D )
surrender (will also drop weapons on your person in front of you 3 blocks, does not work for on duty coppers)
/acts: List all acts in game w/o descriptions.
/911 [text]: send a 911 call to police on duty.
/radio or /gov [text]: Speak in government radio with other police officers.
/panic: panic to other officers on duty.
/pdLobby: Access first stages of PD lobby GUI for the NPC.
  • Go on duty and receive a "Service Weapon" with a "Pistol Mag". (cannot drop)
  • Go off duty if on duty.
  • Make a complain dialogue.
  • Report a crime dialogue.
Life Alerts sent to officers when someone dies. (Player name only, will add coords later).
Inventory Kept on Death
Last edited:
Update Log - 27/11/2018


Small update of the original plugin, repost.
  • Added /roll to randomly get a number 1 to 100
  • Added /describe or /desc to describe actions to online players
  • Added /advert to advertise stuff
  • Added /act to preform certain acts
    • acts currently added [wave, salute, zombie, surrender]
Update Log - 01/12/2018


Major jobs update!! Added police in at a basic level and like items. There's more to come in the future but I think this was a really good start for us!
  • Added /pdLobby to be used to access the npc menu at the PD
    • Can be used to go on and off duty, will set limit to units on duty in the future. Possibly w config file.
  • Added /911 to call police on duty.
  • Added /radio or /gov for government officials to chat with each other while on duty.
  • Added officer forced off duty on disconnect.
Last edited:
Update Log - 08/05/2019


Plugin updated to 1.14
  • Update /pdLobby
    • Going on and off duty gives you a special bow and ammo that cannot be dropped and other players cannot pick up.
  • Fixed officers weapons not being removed when going off duty and name not being properly unlisted from Police-player array.
  • Fixed bug with player disconnect event.
  • Added /acts to list acts in game.
  • Fixed /act surrender taking service weapon away from LEOs.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
Update Log - 12/05/2019


  • ADDED GitHub Link to page
  • UPDATED/FIXED act surrender
    • Item Meta/Enchantments now copied over
    • Multiple items are now read instead of stopping at one
      • Reads over inventory rather than checking weapon list now
    • Try catch added to deal with non-material resolvable items in inventory
      • This whole thing took hours to figure out so enjoy
  • Reformatted/rearranged