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Played a Lot Of Gmod back in 2018,But stopped due to Hardware Issues and HAving a Complete shitbox of a Computer,Got a Slightly Better one and Decided to Server hop after finding out that monolith was a Shadow of its Former self,also after figuring out that my advanced dupe was Bugged and refused to Work,Which is the main reason i stopped Playing traditional DarkRP as that was Prob my Favorite Aspect.Then got Hooked on the Sophiscation of the PLPD and Wanted to CLimb Rank,as i find PD RP Fun.
Played a Lot Of Gmod back in 2018,But stopped due to Hardware Issues and HAving a Complete shitbox of a Computer,Got a Slightly Better one and Decided to Server hop after finding out that monolith was a Shadow of its Former self,also after figuring out that my advanced dupe was Bugged and refused to Work,Which is the main reason i stopped Playing traditional DarkRP as that was Prob my Favorite Aspect.Then got Hooked on the Sophiscation of the PLPD and Wanted to CLimb Rank,as i find PD RP Fun.
thiz iz zo deeb iam mite strt creyn rait naw :sorry: sweater lore
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