What brings you back to keep playing?

To be honest I wish I stopped coming back cause it takes up a lot of my time which should be spent on studying. I don't enjoy myself playing most of the time either, which is a shame. I guess it's just an addiction at this point.

First year was very fun, based with people here and there, since I was new almost everything was exciting.
Then there was the pd grind, followed by becoming a staff member and finally helping developers with getting positions and testing. Although I still enjoy that, I ended up getting completely ignored by everyone so that was that.

The only times I had fun on the server recently were with @roxie while being a police officer and rapidly responding to situations and hanging around in a base with a now mostly banned organisation.

So yeah... I wish I knew what brings me back.
I have urges to run people over. I’ve been told I’m pretty good at using my 7 year old Audi S5 as a weapon, which is a good choice for my stuttering/dying PC.

But for real, I roleplay sometimes and have a good time, but mostly there’s just some funny people here. I’m here for the laughs.
For me, it began as an outlet of me dealing with personal issues by meeting old friends and being distracted in RP sits. it still kind of is.

but the biggest reason right now is because I like to give people something to remember, organising stuff ingame with @Blackdown and seeing others actively involved gives me a great sense of joy and accomplishment and motivates me to keep doing stuff like that.

also when you look past the toxicity, there's a lot of people on the server that are actually still very friendly.
Originally when i returned late 2019 it was just as I didn't really have much else to play at that point and it was fun to play for a few hours, now I just play the game by getting involved in org rp primarily. Also some legends called @Mina @coolkill50 and @SERGEANT
I mainly keep returning due to me being bored and then enjoying perp again after playing it as a meme. Everytime I said I was going to quit, I already knew it was a lie weeks before I made the post. I just enjoy being in this community and similar to RuneScape, it is a fun game to play when you are bored out of your mind which is also why I play both at the same time.