Perpheads Christmas Shooting Compilation

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Now.. Its been a long while since i made My last shooting complications, which i was mostly cop aswell and was wayyy worse at shooting. So that was Hard to find any good clips.

Ik that the music probably doesnt fit the clips, and isnt the Best edited.. Soz. However, thought i would spread some christmas cheers out with a christmas song in it so anyways enough with that. Enjoy the video! Or not hehe

0:16 when you boutta pop someone but you have to scratch ur balls irl before doing it
Constructive feedback is not 1.1 - Don't read if easily offended, not meant to hurt your feelings.

- Shit music
- Pistol clips are shit
- Your aim needs a lot of improvement
- Make me be able to tolerate watching past the 2 min mark.
1. Yeah, could maybe have chosen some better music, chose a song I listened to a lot for some reason lol.
2. I have way better clips, and realised after they weren't so good, but went with it for others in another compilation
3. I know my aim isn't the best, I'm for some reason not good at aiming for heads etc so I always aim at body's on people.
4. Gladly hear feedback what you want to see in compilation that would make you watch it, or tolerate it and I'll try my best.

Overall, I'm still not the best with editing etc. I've become way better at shooting than I was before, if you look back at my other compilations I was utter shit, which has improved a lot. My editing skills is shit, cause I haven't edited for a while either and hardly rememeber much, as I don't really record youtube anymore etc.

Either way, I appreciate your feedback! And will ofc try to work on being better at this.