Me and @_Wxsley_ honestly had a really great time doing these events aswell, and it seemed like lots of people liked these aswell. This thread also has 43k views... damn.. Maybe @Tyla Jai still has idea's with these points?
Me and @_Wxsley_ honestly had a really great time doing these events aswell, and it seemed like lots of people liked these aswell. This thread also has 43k views... damn.. Maybe @Tyla Jai still has idea's with these points?
I don't think this was reliable enough to manage, tracking them on an external google doc etc was not easy nor was it that professional or 'finished' looking. I have been better at giving forum trophies for event wins however.
I don't think this was reliable enough to manage, tracking them on an external google doc etc was not easy nor was it that professional or 'finished' looking. I have been better at giving forum trophies for event wins however.
I'm pretty sure you added this to the forums right? Though it wasn't really used since when it was added was also the time the custom events by me and Wxsley kinda stopped.
Events were so much more fun knowing there was a competitive aspect of earning points and claiming rewards. I remember being told it might come back and I’m excited so this is a reminder. Please bring it back!