Perpheads launcher?

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I was looking for something to code, after making SteamTool, i honestly had no idea what to do next.

Someone found the idea of a launcher would be cool, im just curious if other people would like this idea.

If i were to implement it would probably automatically know when the queue is up, have news and announcements, allowing you to have a "perp only gmod version" something along those lines
No one would use it and it would be neglected like SteamTool, I mean its great you are making all these and all but I personally had 0 use for steam tool and I won't have a use for this either tbh.
So basicly like a forums but without all te posts and such? Just a site with announcements, updates and the status of the queue server?

To be honest with you, I would never use a launcher. I have no issue with doing it the way we are doing right now.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

But it's cool that you are making these kinds of things.
Sneaky Comment said:
a few showed interest, most if this shit i make is for personal learning like i said about steamtool anyways but people throwing in ideas would be nice anyways


Your steamtool thing looks cool and all but its way easier to just go on steamidfinder (As shown above). Personally I would make a post asking what you should code instead of making things that just make something they already did slower, this could help to make coding more worthwhile and more people might be inclined to give it a try.

Just a tip from my POV.
Just saying I found no use with your last tool. Hopefully this tool actually has a better purpose other than slowing things down.
if the launcher wrote mat_specular 0 on console automatically i will download it thansk
Sounds like a good idea, I do however have some tips for you:

- Don't use Windows Forms.
- Use WPF.
- Don't use Windows Forms or the wrath of a thousand tormented monitors will dawn upon you
- You know that cool little settings thingy in your application properties? Use it, it's the easiest and fastest way to make your launcher configurable.
- Use ClickOnce for updates, it may seem like a hassle, but it's worth it.
- For the love of god, please don't use Windows Forms.