PERPHeads Movie

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So, I want to make kind of a movie (around 20mins long) in PERPHeads Universe.
I'm thinking of a plot right now.
Revenge (someone killed a guy and his father takes revenge)
Documentary (about police, general life in Paralake)
Comedy Action (movie with our great banters and shootouts)

Also I'm gonna need actors and cameramen.

When the film is done I'm gonna ask an admin to make a cinema with admin TV and show it.
This is really nice idea. I hope you make it well bro, if you need anything else, you can ask me for help and i can try my best to help. It can be a nice advert for server if you make it well.
I think the second plot is the best, the one with the police and general life in paralake. Make a person executing a well planned bank robbery. I was thinking of doing that in Perpheads sometime
So plot variant with a robbery; we have to explain all the cops that we're filming and we'll need a paramedic to stand by nearby to revive "Killed" cops. I don't think this would be cheap and easy to make.
I would love to see the documentary, maybe a VICE style doc with insights into just how violent PL is, as well as some anonymous interviews with criminal org members. Those are just some of my ideas.
I'd gladly join this "program", I like acting. I probably think that the documentary is the best, comedy is second. Revenge is too common. Your gonna need @Stomper for the gang documentarys, your gonna need the makers of the best mafias and gangs. Stomper lives in louisiana so he knows whats up and can help you alot.
Documentary about the police and ParaLake life perhaps a documentary about the criminals. Would be funny to see a documentary about the LEO's and then Takeshi as the LT where he tells everyone to get on their knees.
Documentary is very common on PH.
Either we do kinda "a normal day in Paralake family" (like a documentary, but with actors) or other genre.
I have fraps and am a good actor so sign me up if you need help.

Steam: Boscar Cakes
IC: Oscar Trulock
Swiper made a few episodes of a show called "Cops" back in V1, it followed around LEOS and showed different situations. Was quite good as well, I got a cameo in the first episode I think. A bit later after that someone else did a show called MOB or something along those lines, it got taken over by someone else and followed the Belinsky Family. Got mah cameo in that too, both of the shows were good.

Shame they're privated now on youtube (I think) would love to see a V2 version!
Why not adopt a "Ross Kemp" approach? Follow organised crimeand a successful org or try a new version of "cops". If that fails adopt a British Pathé approach and record everyone doing their daily business. Maybe even make it a promotional trailer? I remember the old ones for evo were quite cool.
Why not adopt a "Ross Kemp" approach? Follow organised crimeand a successful org or try a new version of "cops". If that fails adopt a British Pathé approach and record everyone doing their daily business. Maybe even make it a promotional trailer? I remember the old ones for evo were quite cool.
For people who don't know Ross Kemp: