Perpheads V6 Expectations

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Since we got our first V6 perpheads trailer its time to speak about the new version of perpheads V6 as the trailer got released 1 month ago its most likely telling us that the new version V6 will come out very very soon and I would like to ask you what would you expect to see in the new version of perpheads V6 and what changes you would like to see as well with the upcoming new map

New Combat (CS2 Maybe)?
New Jobs?
New currency introduced?
New Rules?
PD Nerfs/Buffs?
Better Optimization?

Last perpheads version update

Tell me your opinions
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Full auto as50, minigun, pistol cop ak101 and makarov pm, tfu buff, more predictable angles to prefire,oven base defence usage, tfu buff, crim taser, increased cost to repair car at bazaar gas station and rc, player rc price increase to 1.2k, easier jobs tests to allow new players to pd and ff rdm and taxi and rc vdm, tfu buff, huge as50 nerf, old shotgun sniping mechanic return, full inventory and bank account wipe and finally increase firearms level cap from 125 to 478 with exact same item gradual difficulty and stretch out unlocks every 10 levels to increase depression rates within player base
And change perp time from present to 1960s to allow for time accuracy and remove anything that wouldn’t fit with 1960s timeframe
Warder Job for PD is coming out for sure bro the jail cells are not staying the same you can actually play football in the new police department jail cells
Full auto as50, minigun, pistol cop ak101 and makarov pm, tfu buff, more predictable angles to prefire,oven base defence usage, tfu buff, crim taser, increased cost to repair car at bazaar gas station and rc, player rc price increase to 1.2k, easier jobs tests to allow new players to pd and ff rdm and taxi and rc vdm, tfu buff, huge as50 nerf, old shotgun sniping mechanic return, full inventory and bank account wipe and finally increase firearms level cap from 125 to 478 with exact same item gradual difficulty and stretch out unlocks every 10 levels to increase depression rates within player base
Ain't no way you just said Full Auto as50 and Minigun.