Dude the M82 and AS50 sound and look completely different. The M82 sounds like thunder and the AS50 sounds like lightning, M82 is light grey whilst the AS50 is black.
Weve already sold a ton of items and the system works very well, the reason they pay before hand is to stop people making orders they can’t afford, and then I’d have to pay out of pocket because I’d made the system that allowed that too happen, and I wouldn’t want the crafters to be severely affected by that.
Now that I am on my computer, I'll post a detailed way this could work:
  1. A person deposits money into their account
  2. They goto the Auction area on
  3. Choose the item they want to bet on
  4. How much they want to bet
  5. If they keep that hold til the end of the auction, they would win it.
Maybe a time limit of 1-2 days should work for each item to allow everyone the ability to bet on the item.
EDIT: Maybe include a maximum amount at the start and increase it every bet by a certain amount, Stops people betting a huge amount instantly?
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@CensoredExe Yes, there's no set price for these items. Make it so you can set a start price, people bid in increments of at least 10k, (to stop people bidding $1 etc) and put a set time when the bidding ends. You could also add a buyout option so someone doesn't have to bid and just buy it instantly for a higher price for example if someone feels it's worth the money.
@DANIEL_ Price should be set really high? Not sure how much. Depends on the item. Lets say watermelon starts at 100k. To instantly buy it, it costs 700k+?
If you'd like to become a crafter on, feel free to contact me after youve filled out this form:

As a crafter, you will have the ability to claim as many or as little orders as you wish - as long as you can craft it quickly.
Once you craft an order, they will enter 'Your orders', where you can change the status.

The dashboard looks similar to this:

We've received over $12,300,000 in deposits and sold a total of 3830 items, if you'd like to craft some of these items and make some money whilst doing so, feel free to apply!

I'd also like to address peoples fears over crafters who may not craft in enough time. Crafters who don't craft your item in time are removed, and your item is then able to claim by someone else. The way the system works requires crafters to buy the mats out of their own bank, and get paid after the order is confirmed to be done. This way, if a crafter fails to do your order on time, you lose no money, and your order is just done by someone else with a quick speed.