Philip, Frank and (John Syna!)tec

Reaction score
I want to recommend @Philip , @Frank and @Synatec for acctually acting like real life humans.
I was a Sgt in the force, and an officer reported sightings of a gun through the windows in Regals 4, as well as a boarded up window. I went up to talk to them.
When I knocked on the door, I saw nothing but the standard base, with concrete barricades, metal detectors at the doors and wooden fences here and there. I went on asking the people inside, and they proceeded to invite me in, show me how the gun was really a drill(it was RP-ed before I entered, as Frank's M1911 was used as a drill, combined with his magical drilling sounds made by his mouth.), give me a cup of coffee, and explaining their business, with nothing too suspicious going on, and managed to act polite and good against an officer of the law, something most criminals are not good at.

In short, I recommend them for their great RP with using construction tools when making their barricades, acting realistically against a cop, and their original blackwomanthatisacctuallynotaterroristRP
Thanks man, Frank also cleaned the windows with weird sounds and shit.
How 2 trick Sergeants in going away to not see your drugs 2k15.
Thanks, I never plan to grow for now and I try to RP everytime. Thank you for this, I appreciate it a lot and it motivates me to make more RP to help out the community!