Playing with VPN, need help with connection

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So I've recently moved my gaming pc to my student dormitory. The only way to use internet here is through the university's VPN. I have fixed most problems that come with using it (such as connecting to steam). I can play other games (GTA V, R6 Siege, etc...) without any noticeable lag or connection issues. However I tried joining the server today and could hardly move.

My ping was around 70-90 and I could still see the chat and such. However every 2-5 seconds the "WARNING: Connection porblem..." notification came up. I could hardly move.

I was wondering if anyone here plays via VPN (I know, I know, you shouldn't...) and knows any commands/porperties to help me get a better connection.
Tunnel everything trough OpenVPN, it makes a separate interface. You'll have to find out all the information for the VPN and make a config but it shouldn't be to hard. Its unlikely anyone here can help you with this so enjoy doing your own research.

If not you could always hire an IT specialist, I'm available at 180$/hour.
cl_cmdrate "64"
cl_updaterate "64"
rate "128000"
net_maxroutable "1000"
cl_interp_ratio "2"
in console fixed it for me
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