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Your Steam/In-game Name: What are thoose/Russle Stevens
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Moti from the Schuna/Moti Bachar
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44821704
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically the player was on duty as a S.W.A.T just like me and we were going to go on a meal brake and then out of nowhere the player decided to throw a punch at me and jump on my head making me go away slightly brusied and resign after being pretty mad about it. Also in the video I said that the player went out to avoid my confrontation however I just relised that he went out to the S.W.A.T truck to have a meal break, silly me...
I asked him in OOC a bit later why he punched me (I thought he might have had a broken mouse or something because that is unusual behavior) however he didn't respond (he simply might not have seen my message even if he just wrote in OOC when I wrote my message) and seeing that he has been punished for simular behavior, I think he did this on purpose.
Evidence (Demo Required):!QYVyGaoI!_xUe9ovzGkcHaaIyjZmHcjy7zV5oekaDoDU20bGdwsc
Tick: 8720 (if staff actually would like to watch the demo and not just the video).
Additional comments: I know you can't hear the "punch"-sound in the demo because I slowed it down however I am sure that the staff can confirm that he did damage me in the logs.
you need to start taking things as fun or as a joke sometimes and not being mad about everything. :D
This AR is a bit confusing. any staff in game could deal with it easily so it wasn't really needed to make an AR put a lot of effort getting his name steam id video etc.
It was just a little punch he can even say "Bro fist" indeed I don't see why you got so mad of this and resigned but yeah
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