Server Suggestion PLFD Buff

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Suggestion Title: PLFD Buff
Suggestion Description: The firefighter role currently suffers from low engagement compared to other emergency services. One of the biggest reasons is the low XP gain, which makes progression feel slow and unrewarding. To encourage more players to take on the role and actively respond to fires, I propose increasing the XP rewards for firefighting actions.

Extinguishing Fires (Increase) – Increase XP per fire put out to scale with fire size/difficulty. (I understand that there is a form of that going on, but buff it more)
Call Response Bonus (Increase) – Grant additional XP for responding to a fire within a certain time frame. (I read there was a bonus on the forums but increase it further)
Increase XP proportional to how many firefighters, so they receive equal and not loose chance for XP with more fire fighters on. OR give XP to firefighters who participate in putting fires out, and who are nearby so it's not a fight to who puts more of the fire out.

Why should this be added?:
Higher Engagement – More players would be encouraged to play firefighter, increasing role participation.
Balanced XP Distribution – Scaling XP based on firefighter count prevents competition and ensures fair rewards.
Faster Fire Response – Incentivizing quick response times means fires get handled more efficiently.
Encourages Teamwork – XP for all firefighters involved in extinguishing fires promotes cooperation instead of XP competition.
Makes the Role More Rewarding – Right now, the firefighter role feels less rewarding than other emergency services; this change would improve that.

What negatives could this have?:
XP Inflation – If XP buffs are too high, it could make ranking up too easy compared to other jobs.
Server Performance – More firefighting activity could increase the frequency of fire events, possibly affecting performance.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Personally the reason why I created this post was due to the amount of time and effort I've put into this role trying to 100% all the jobs and skills only for it to be resulted in small progress is disappointing. SOLO, with max influence and 1.5x Advanced training I put out a fire that took 7.5minutes and that spawn once every 5-10 minutes to only get 3% progression. At that rate if lucky I'd get 20% per hour consistently working SOLO. Which that increases per promotion. "Sometimes it takes 30 minutes for a new fire."

So generally, we get punished with more firefighters on, and don't make much progression which IMO results in low engagement and succession in the firefighter role. Of course there is still firefighters, but it's a role only few main and generally a quick beginner role no one finishes. My aim is to avoid this with XP buffs and updated engagement strategies.

I'd also like to mention that a large decrease in firefighter progression has happened since fuel cans being used for fires were removed. For the newer people, you use to be able to hit fuel cans with bats to explode them and burn bodies. Of course it isn't needed back in the city, but maybe XP buff could be reasoned with this.

Adding this as I'm progressing through fire fighter rank. Currently at Specialist rank and for two fires I put out on my own, I didn't even get 1% XP with 5 INFLUENCE and 1.5x Advanced Training activated. At that rate it'll take 30-40 hours to progress through this rank...
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Firefighters really do need some love, tbh.
There's barely ever any fires. Which means they're either fantastic at their jobs and deserve a buff, or there's not a lot of content to engage with.
I stopped doing FD because without player created fires it felt way too slow. I can get behind this
I think it's a good suggestion. I've seen multiple bazaar fires where people are scrambling to find fire extinguishers because no Firefighters are on, mainly because it's kind of boring when there's not much to do most of the time.

Maybe adding additional tasks for Firefighters would help increase the popularity and engagement of the job.
I agree so much, especially with the encourage teamwork part. It should be a rewarding experience working as a team but now it just feels like a penalty having someone with you because you don't get as much XP or money.
I agree big time. FD seems like the most enticing career to me, but there's just not enough going on. I once sat at the station with 3 other guys for nearly 30 minutes with no calls, and resigned.
RP wise, firefighters really do spend most of their day at the station, and even sleep there. On that note, it would be cool to even just see interactives or anything else that a firefighter could do to stay occupied.
I agree so much, especially with the encourage teamwork part. It should be a rewarding experience working as a team but now it just feels like a penalty having someone with you because you don't get as much XP or money.
I personally do not go on FF due do low engagement but, I think this is a wonderful idea for encouragement to get more players on FF more often. :)
fire has been really bad, since the fuel can changes. now its only 2 rare forms of player created fire+ molotovs, which has hurt fire's general activity
How Firefighter's still don't share XP is beyond me. It's one of the hardest jobs to rank up with others even when you have Influence 5.

Medics share XP when removing bodies and other activities so this doesn't make any sense not to do the same for Firefighters.

My old thread suggesting an adjustment was Denied without any reasoning so I hope this issue gets some attention again (for my timely V6 return)
I support any FD boost, that job is ass
FD is literal slavery like crafting at bazzar over and over again is more fun these people who do it are deadass saints like irl. No disrespect but the design of PLFD is so bad like you can tell people wanted to add something and kinda put no initiative to it cause no one would do it so they just made it even more unplayable and cancerous.

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