I know everyone loves shitting on you (probably rightfully so) and I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but,
Youre still young and youre just trying to have fun in a community you enjoy, maybe you made something nowhere near anything good or even interpretable, but I dont think people should shit on you so much for just trying to have fun and play around like other members of the community.
Even if it wasnt any good, I miss the days when I'd do stupid shit like this and get bullied online for it. Keep having fun.
I think people have to remember youre a child, and this is a video game, the amount of abuse people give you for litterally being a child and having fun, exactly like the rest of us once were, is insane to me. I get the critisicm but its just odd to me how grown men can be giving so much abuse to a child for doing the same stupid stuff they did at your age.