PLPD Concept cars thread.

I like making textures? Understand what precisely?
It’s like me making a bowl of cereal when I’ve already made 4 bowls of cereal, yes I like cereal and quite like the process of making cereal, but do I really need to make more cereal when I’ve already got quite a few bowls of cereal already? Does that make sense bud?
It’s like me making a bowl of cereal when I’ve already made 4 bowls of cereal, yes I like cereal and quite like the process of making cereal, but do I really need to make more cereal when I’ve already got quite a few bowls of cereal already? Does that make sense bud?
Insanely moot point, You aren’t making bowls of cereal to perfect a very useful skill and to actively contribute to a cereal community. The goal here is to work with a wide variety of objects to texture and overall get a far better understanding of the processes involved.
Insanely moot point, You aren’t making bowls of cereal to perfect a very useful skill and to actively contribute to a cereal community. The goal here is to work with a wide variety of objects to texture and overall get a far better understanding of the processes involved.
Anyone who doesn’t consider finding a good cereal to milk ratio a useful skill is untrustworthy, I also don’t see how designing PLPD decals being useful to the community, but I guess I see your point
jrw, no one said its neceserally useful, but the skill he gets from making those cars eill further assist him in making actual models and maybe become a dev and make models, like guns, tables more props etc
Anyone who doesn’t consider finding a good cereal to milk ratio a useful skill is untrustworthy, I also don’t see how designing PLPD decals being useful to the community, but I guess I see your point
People might want the decals of him as some people can’t do them and want to use them and you never know they might ask him to make them for v6 so he’s practicing and showing his work off which I highly respect because I can’t do it and I like seeing stuff like this because of the skill and so do other people in the community

No need to hate on him just because he can do something you can’t
People might want the decals of him as some people can’t do them and want to use them and you never know they might ask him to make them for v6 so he’s practicing and showing his work off which I highly respect because I can’t do it and I like seeing stuff like this because of the skill and so do other people in the community

No need to hate on him just because he can do something you can’t
I can’t put an arrow on a pd car? All well and good saying all of this but they haven’t have they otherwise he wouldn’t post it on the forums keep it a secret like the rest of v6, not hating just making a lil point fella, you’ve clearly thought too much into this all I done as made a reference to cereal
like we all said, its not something needed but its something that a person enjoyies doing. think of it like a hobby. and please if you think its that easy, do it yourself and i will agree with you if you even GET CLOSE to making something as cool and as nice as bnje did
id honestly become a probie for my precious scion XD


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