The Detective Files - Family Ties

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England, Norfolk
This brand new edition of the famous Detective Files brings in James Anders two brothers see what happens when they all meet but they may not be what they seem. Meanwhile one of the main Cartels in Paralake decides to take action against James to put a stop to the Crime Investigation Unit but who will stop them?

12 Pheonix Drive
State of the Rock
The Anders Residence
4 years ago

(Harold Anders) Where is James he should be here by now?
(David Anders) Probably chasing Adrian again dad it was not a good idea giving him a car.
(Harold Anders) Would not be suprised lets just hope they stop fighting and come home.
(Sarah Anders) Lemme call up James I will deal with this.

Meanwhile with James

(James Anders) Dispatch I have eyes on the suspect vehicle I am staying with him but there are to many civilians.
(Dispatch) Copy that unit ahead with spike strips on I22.
(James Anders) Ten Four that vehicle needs to be stopped driving him to I22 now over.
(Dispatch) Copy helicopter will be 12 mikes keep that vehicle in your sights.
(James Anders) Tracking now onto I22 spike strip is a quarter of a mile away backing off.
(Dispatch) Copy deploy spikes Hotel Uniform Six Six.
(HU66) Spike deployed hit!
(James Anders) Moving in for the pounce.
(Dispatch) Copy Papa India Tango is authorised use caution vehicle is unstable.
(James Anders) Copy contact PIT issued vehicle stopped moving in with the net.

James parks up stepping out and drawing his weapon next to his car.

(James Anders) Step out of the car with your hands up now.

The door opens stepping out a young man wearing some ragged clothing shaking his head at James.

(James Anders) Are you kidding me Adrian?
(Adrian Anders) I can explain I was-
(James Anders) Like hell you can against the car and hands behind your back.

Adrian leans against the car complying while James searches him, Suddenly James gets a call

(Adrian Anders) You going to answer that?
(James Anders) When you are in the car with cuffs on yes.

James places the handcuffs on Adrian pushing him over to his patrol car putting Adrian in the back. James looks to the phone letting out a sigh then answering it.

(James Anders) Yes mother?
(Sarah Anders) Are you and Adrian playing games again?
(James Anders) If you consider Grand Theft Auto and endangering the public a game.
(Sarah Anders) One of them are?
(James Anders) You got me there, I will take him to the PD then once he is booked in I will bail him out but he can pay me back.
(Sarah Anders) What did I say about you two fighting?
(James Anders) What did I say to him breaking the-
(Sarah Anders) Stop do what you have to do and bring him back we are waiting on you.
(James Anders) Yes mother.

James hangs up on the phone then starts getting into the car with Adrian in the back. He starts the car up then sets off.

6 Hours later

James pulls up with his patrol car into the driveway with Adrian in the back without the handcuffs. The door swings open and david waits there looking cross.

(David Anders) Six hours what timing do you call this?
(Adrian Anders) Seven PM
(David Anders) Shut up and haul ass to dad you better have a good explaination.

Adrian storms off into the house James approaches.

(James Anders) Was that needed?
(David Anders) He needs to get it into his head that he could get himself killed.
(James Anders) I know but he is younger than both of us we should be role models.
(David Anders) I know but I can't.
(James Anders) Why we are brothers we look after each other.
(David Anders) James I have to tell you something.
(James Anders) What is it?
(David Anders) I enlisted I leave tomorrow.
(James Anders) Enlisted into what?
(David Anders) The Army.
(James Anders) What no way.
(David Anders) We all chose what we want to be and I just did
(James Anders) If you get yourself into trouble I will be the first one to shoot you.
(David Anders) And here is me thinking these terrorists were going to be more hostile than my family.
(James Anders) So this party is for you?
(David Anders) It is a goodbye but remember our promise.
(James Anders) No matter how far or how much in trouble our brotherly bond shall never break.
(David Anders) I will miss you all but im getting an early night I get picked up at 5am
(James Anders) Ouch well I guess this is goodbye?
(David Anders) Thank you and remember the bond will never break.

3 Shining Row
Residence of Senior Detective Anders
Present day.

(TV) And now on the Paralake news right after a quick commercial
(Advert) 0% Taxes or die!
(News) And now on the Paralake news, We start with a alarming report of the Cartel killing a group of several officers our on scene report is there now hello?
(Reporter) Hello we are now at the scene of the battle between officers and the group known as the Cartel, We know that two officers were killed and another is in critical condition
(News) Was there anything found out by these men who would go to killing officers in broad daylight.
(Reporter) Yes Senior Detective Anders came on scene with a team and collected all the evidence they could find infact they seem to be done.
(News) Thank you we will be back to that story after this break this is Paralake news see you soon.
(Advert) Is your car getting broken into well try these new accent alarms which will deal with anyone trying to steal your car here are a few we have made.

(Aaron Alarm) Get your hands off me you fat cunt

(Commie Alarm) How dare you touch a communist car you capitalist!

(Daymon Alarm) *A set of 4 AK47's pop out of the roof and starts spraying destroying the camera*

(News) We are back with an update on the cartels attack we are now speaking to Senior Detective Anders
(Reporter) Detective Anders can you explain how you will catch the members responsible for this attack?
(James Anders) I cannot go into details but one has already been caught and we have what we need to find the rest.
(Reporter) And what do you think of the attack.
(James Anders) I think it is ignorant and stupid but we were glad that no civilians were hurt we will make sure that there will not be a next time and we will catch them very soon.
(Reporter) Well you heard it folks and back to the studio.
(News) Thank you and we will all be safer tonight up next scammers should you be able to shoot them?
The TV suddenly turns off.

(James Anders) I know Captain but we need to show them that we will not stand for this.
(Steven Arnott) Yes but challenging the Cartel could make this worse we already have officers down how many more?
(James Anders) We signed up for this the people of the city did not we need to end it before they can act
(Steven Arnott) You are right but what do we have on them?
(James Anders) I have a rough location but it is not exact and we also have DNA trace on the shell casings.
(Steven Arnott) Is that all?
(James Anders) I sent one of my newest additions to the hospital to try get anything from the officer that has survived.
(Steven Arnott) You saw what they are willing to do you sure it is safe?
(James Anders) I have most of the files with me plus the location of where the evidence was stored.
(Steven Arnott) Alright i sent this to the mayor he is pleased right now good luck.
(James Anders) Thanks I will- Huh?
(Steven Arnott) What is it
(James Anders) *Whispering* Sierra Oscar Sierra they are right outside and armed.
(Steven Arnott) Can you con-
(James Anders) Captain!
(Steven Arnott) *Static*

James heads over to the kitchen looking out the back garden

(James Anders) No way out damn I guess I need to fight my way out.

James Grasps a handle aboth him pulling it down revealing a MP5 and a M1911 with plenty of ammo. He heads over behind the sofa and loads both weapons holstering the M1911


Two Cars park not far away from the house in a large clearing watching the scene.

To be continued
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Nice post mate, keep me updated!

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England, Norfolk
Chapter 2 - Cartel Calamity

Continuing the Story James is surrounded by the Cartel looking to destroy both the evidence and the lead investigator but the Cartel are not the only ones there. James finds an unlikely ally but how will they help him?

The Cartel mobsters open fire peppering the house with bullets as James gets into cover.

(James Anders) Damnit I knew it
(Cartel Mobster) I want his house on fire and his head!

The Cartel starts moving in on the building, Meanwhile the two cars suddensly shoot off towards the house at high speed. The Cars reach the cartel and starts drifting into them firing their own guns. James Realises what is happening and moves to the window firing his own gun.

(Cartel Mobster) What who the hell are these boy racers
(Cartel Mobster) Nevermind them burn the house!

The Mobsters throw their molotovs striking the house setting the house on fire. James Rushes and grabs the case notes and evidence then boots the back door open to his car. James Shoots down two Cartel members with his MP5 and opens the car door getting in and starting the ignition.

(Cartel Mobster) Stop him he is getting away!
The Cartel block the entrace weapons drawn suddenly one of the cars performs a massive drift hitting all 3. James Roars out of the driveway and heads onto the highway with the Cartel in hot Pursuit.

(James Anders) Lets see if I am still getting jammed

James Gets his radio speaking into it noticing the cars right behind him.

(James Anders) Priority Priority this is a priority.
(Dispatch) Copy all units cease radio traffic.
(James Anders) I need units ASAP to the highway inbound to intersection to subs hostile vehicles in chase.
(Dispatch) Be advised all units tasked at the office there has been a massive attack.
(James Anders) How bad?
(Dispatch) It is a ex office now.
(James Anders) Copy I need to go off the grid tell the Captain to raise me on the emergency channel.
(Dispatch) Copy best of luck to you out.

James Approaches the intersection when suddenly one of the cars pull up weapon drawn. James Hits the brakes and pits the car sending it into a roll as it hits the divider. A second car tries to slam James sending james into the barrier as the vehicle goes to hit him again another vehicle comes out of nowhere and slams the cartel car disabling it.

The Car pulls up next to James with a Familiar face. Both cars wind their windows down.

(James Anders) Why are you helping me?
(Adrian Anders) Because we are brothers James.
(James Anders) Adrian?
(Adrian Anders) You know it now lets get off the grid before they find us my crew is in the city also.
(James Anders) Alright I will follow you lets drive.

The Two cars drive off towards the business area with James Car struggling to continue running.

Will be Continued in.
Chapter 3 Legends