PLPD Online Suggestion PLPD Online: Command test mode.

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Suggestion Title: PLPD Online: Command test mode.
Suggestion Description: Add a function that allows you to "Apply" on your own locked application with a new button saying "Test application", to go through the process to test if it all works up to scratch.

There should be the following functions:
- Reroll: Regenerates a new application form (For random question spread testing).
- Edit: Brings you to the edit page.

Upon applying, and completing the application, it tells you which multi choice's you got right, and gives you the results before you.

This is because once we "Publish" an application, we lose access to the raw application form. With the randomized questions in particular, this comes into play.

Why should this be added?:
- Allows us to test our applicaiton to see how the random generation looks.
- QoL for command.
- Better functionality on PLPD online.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be spaghetti code work.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Allows command to test applications.
Another day another @Bnjemann suggestion. Hip hip hooray!

But yes, absolutely in favor of this. This would make life so much easier for us.

This is sadly not worth the dev time, however when the next release is deployed you will be able to "copy" a application after you close it, so if you make a mistake fixing it is far easier as you would no longer need to remake the application, hopefully that helps
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