Point based ban/warning system

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donegal, eire
I asked @Slayerduck if he wanted to post this thread, but he said that I would be able to do it. Full credit to him for this idea. I copy and paste:

Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/point-based-ban-warning-system-discussion.27909/

+ https://perpheads.com/threads/tis-but-a-shame.27153/

Main Idea:
Admins/mods/enforcers can ban/warn you on a point based system so you earn your punishment.

Full description of the idea:
  • Instead of having staff decide the actual ban length have a system where the rules given have a range of points. For example 3.15 would have a point range of 1 to 15 where 3.4 would be 10 to 30. Then when a player exceeds 100 points in total he'll get automatically banned for 1 day per point. So say a person had 90 warning points, and breaks 3.4 AND 3.15 resulting in +30 warning points he'd have 120 and thus would get a 20 day ban. Or 0.5 points per day, it would be 40 days. Etc

    At the same time points would decrease by 1 point per day, even if he hasn't been banned yet. But only if he played on the server at said day or you would get big rule breakers who go about breaking rules then leave for half a year and come back to do it again.

    You'd have to tweak the numbers but this system would allow for staff discretion to be able to give points based on severity but not have a big control over the ban length.

    Obviously there would be exceptions for players who aren't there to RP at all and need to be removed from the server.

Why should it be added?: Really it works, because it removes some of the ban discretion issues (not entirely, but it really would help), instead of a admin/mod/enforcer being the sole decider of your fate, the point based system will mean that you aren't sentenced to death because the admin/mod/enforcer doesn't like you.

-Less admin discretion issues
-Gives admins less ability to enforce bias on you (some)
-Players can work on there mistakes

-Could be tricky to implement
-Numbers need to be fixed
-Rule breakers who break the rules consistently might need to break a certain rule more than once to be punished effectively
-Discretion can be a good thing at times
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I always thought bans/warnings should eventually get removed if a clean/clear record is sustained. Feels like older players (may be rule breakers) just eventually get banned anyway? I'm newer to the server than most but from my POV that's what it looks like. :)

You did not receive a positive feedback from other players. Additionally, the idea has also been discussed internally in the staff team and did not find wide ranging support.​
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