Police Armory

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Description of the idea: Make it so that the PD have to pay for their weapons they get from the armory

Why should this be added? (pros): Cops will actually value their life because they have some sort of thing to lose instead of rushing into situations, also another money sink for all the cop mains.

What negatives could this have? (cons): idk maybe an officer doesnt have enough money to buy a gun.
I don't know where you make this assumption on because I currently hold the grand total of 80k in my bank. Lets do some maths.

A average player can grow 150 leaves every 20 minutes (2 badges of weed). This is a total of 90k an hour. Now an officer makes +- 150 per minute. This is 9k per hour. That is a 10th. Why would that have to be spent on weapons?

If you say well you have unlimited numbers that ain't an argument. 9/10 cops are pistol players who will get destroyed before even have the oppurtunity of announcing themselves.
you're forgetting that crims have to spend a lot of money even buying decent guns
you're forgetting that crims have to spend a lot of money even buying decent guns
There is no rule which says you have to defend with guns or even base.

Police on the other have a duty of care obligation which means that if we hear a gunshot we have to respond in some way. Because of these obligations we have to actually do things we don't want to.
Cop mains -1 the suggestion without even thinking about the fact that most cop mains literally sit with millions in their bank because they have nothing else to do. Cops dont care about pushing and dying because they lose nothign but 5 mins. Make them pay little but still something so they maybe value their life more.
And what about the one's that don't? Completely moot point. Is cops running into apartments and dying really an issue for people who are killing them? If anything this will just further enact the issue you complained about in the past where cops weren't pushing you, just sitting outside waiting for you to push out. This suggestion would just amplify that aspect by 500%.

This is such a strawman argument... You could also argue that Cops choose to be cops and therefore choose to be able to lose whatever gun they have.

I disagree with the suggestion, but this is a terrible argument.
This is daft as shit, if an officer is the closest to a shots fired situation they really should be the ones to respond to it in some way, shape or form, be it setting perimeters or securing the outside area to relay info to responding TFU.
All power to you, then you don't need a gun xd. The math is not that hard.
The issue here is cops can be attacked during traffic stops, under half the circumstances of this occurring, they have a reason to. There's instances where I've had to do reports where cops simply drove around PD after a raid at slums and still got shot. Fuck, a cop can be shot just for walking through bazaar during a mugging or raid, or because a warranted suspect is sharing the same general portion of the city as them.

Other issues this will lead to include:
- When a player kills a cop for an invalid reason, much more damage will be done, resulting in harsher punishments for what some people call "Mistakes" or "Miscommunications" to compensate for damage done.
- The police job becoming completely inaccessible for new players. (Dunno how this point wasn't raised before)
- Cop wages literally being 10x more dogshit than previously. Any cop who has millions in their banks from playing cop must have been putting about 10 hours a day for a month into playing cop, with minimal deaths or breaks inbetween. This would be impossible if cops were just constantly paying for guns.
- 50 Refund requests a week for lost cop guns. Refund request forms are kinda annoying to fill out, so is investigating them.

By breaking laws you're choosing to risk your gun or whatever you had on you. Cops shouldn't have to lose stuff because they're not directly putting themselves in the position to lose their shit.

This sums it up nicely. Anyone who denies cops can completely avoid putting themselves in a dangerous position whilst still RPing as a cop and doing what they're supposed to do obviously hasn't played cop, nor stuck their heads out of their slums apartments every now and then.
you're forgetting that crims have to spend a lot of money even buying decent guns
Literally no one is forgetting this point. Criminals can take their guns and use it to defend drugs, raid and rob other players, and otherwise assist in high paying criminal activity such as bank raids. It also allows them to take out mayors who raise taxes to damage their quality of life. The whole point of Police firearms is to counter this criminal activity and a police gun doesn't generate nearly as much income as a civilian one potentially can. Sure the gun can be lost and is worth a fair amount of money, But at the end of the day, the entire point of the criminal side of this game mode is to not get caught. All this idea will do is make less cops, some might be led to believe however that this could be the ulterior motive of the suggestion but I'll give the benefit of the doubt that its, as said, a "Money sink for cops". As a criminal, your weapon is your source of income or your insurance in one way or another regardless of activity. Police firearms are solely to protect themselves and others.

Also, to all points, The whole "Them vs us" Cop vs crim main analogy is ruining our community but I wont derail the thread by going into detail.
you're forgetting that crims have to spend a lot of money even buying decent guns
Oh no I buy 4 sako's for 65k that still leaves me 25k and thats for just 1 hour. A criminal is supposed to take more risk then an officer
Cop mains -1 the suggestion without even thinking about the fact that most cop mains literally sit with millions in their bank because they have nothing else to do. Cops dont care about pushing and dying because they lose nothign but 5 mins. Make them pay little but still something so they maybe value their life more.
Coming from a professional cop main, Others might do it differently but I just spent all my money on meme cars so I can joke around when I'm not on cop, And cops do care about pushing because we hate sitting looking at a black screen for 5 minutes so a lot of us try to play smart, Yes there are the odd few who don't care but that's a very small percentage of day to day cops.
this shits getting outta hand u lot need to relax
I would argue that it's just very involved discussion and people who all have different perspectives on the matter are making sure their contributions are equally heard. I think it's great that people make these kind of suggestions - no matter how outlandish or controversial - as it could lead to someone coming up with a better idea, or identifying an issue that wasn't present before.

In responding to the suggestion at hand:

Officers have a duty of care to all citizens, with the most important objective being to preserve life. We could argue about different jurisdictions and their approaches in real-life but that doesn't really help us in the context of Paralake, as it is a quasi-federal mishmash of different implementations. In addition to this, crime rates and the sheer abundance of criminals who have plenty of ranged weaponry at their disposal makes it quite clear that all Officers should be equipped with a firearm in some capacity.

I can comfortably say I disagree with those saying that the majority of PLPD Officers are content with "pushing" and "dying" in-order to achieve a certain result when it comes to raiding. There are reasons why the PLPD policies were developed and continue to be, alongside the application requirements for any Officer obtaining something more than a sidearm.

TFU Officers are the ones who are expected to initiate and take the lead on raids, and the proportion of TFU Officers on-duty at any given time compared to regularly equipped Officers is quite stark. Many sidearm-equipped Officers will be tasked by either Dispatcher(s) or any other Officer of a greater rank to do a number of other things: secure the outside of the building, create a perimeter, deal with prisoner transport etc.

The three sidearms readily available to any standard Officer are okay but not fantastic in comparison to the huge array of weaponry available to any normal citizen - either through purchasing them, or crafting them. I don't see why a standard-issue Officer should have to pay a significant proportion of what they already earn in-order to obtain the bare minimum required to fulfil their duty.

Also arguing that many existing Officers have the money required at their disposal is immaterial: it makes it far less accessible, and less appealing, for new players joining the server to join the PLPD. Everyone comes to PERPHeads wanting a different experience and to financially force people into different avenues at the start, more so than it already is, will surely spell disaster for the number of new connections.

As already previously mentioned, we then run the risk of stripping even more resources from the staff team to deal with refund requests. A new set of rules and precedents would have to be established to make it clear when Officers would be able to submit refund requests for the loss of a firearm as the circumstances, I envision, would be far different compared to that of a regular civilian needing to make one.

I think other suggestions that are currently present, such as re-introducing the taser whitelist and thus making it more accessible to all Officers, would solve a lot of the problems we have with regards to Officers misusing their firearms; the taser would appear first in the pyramid of escalation and would have to be considered first before a firearm is used.
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