This thread is a shitfest, literally nobody other than
@John Daymon wants to hear you babble about how shit
@Momo is. Why on earth do you care
that much about who the deputy chief is, who else would you put in this position that you think is more capable than him? Because if you're electing yourself then you might want to aim a lot lower, you seem lilke quite the delinquent based off the incoherent dribbling you do on the forums and OOC.
"Let's all get together on the forums and get momo demoted, waaaa" - Honestly mate, we'd all be happy if the PD functioned like it should but sadly we don't have the luxury of competency amongst members of this community. Having a perfect department where everybody is consistently pulling their weight is a pipe dream. Do not fool yourself in thinking that anybody in their right mind, wants to spend any more time than are required, overseeing headless chimps with a jesus complex.
Momo is sufficent and from what I can tell does a decent job in a role that needs little substance, he isn't affecting you in the slightest so don't try act like there is anybody better, who is going to wave their magic wand and fix everything. You'd wank him off through a glory hole for him to give you Corporal, don't sit here and slate him if you don't have any legitimacy or facts to back up your argument. He's active enough and as
@Collier said he's meeting the activity requirement in-game, but I know for a fact he does a lot of out of game 'work' too. I think you might be overestimating how much Chiefs actually do in general, it's quite a bleak job.