Police Deputy Chief Of Department and Current Affairs

Thing is, I don't mind Momo as a person I actually think he's alright, I obviously realise he plays an important role within the PD since people have now explained what he does instead of just saying "no, why? he's good"
So your immediate reaction is to claim that he's worse than he actually is and slate him despite not actually knowing? Immediate assumption of a negative is a bad default.
Well I know that I don't have much of a right to comment about this pointless discussion but PLPD is not a private organization and PLPD's internal issues should not be shared and discussed in the public such as in the forums as long as it's not really and really necessary. You should go and create a helpdesk ticket for your concerns or maybe try to reach your superior in the chain of command so your concern can reach where it should reach. But mainly, Deputy Chief of Department's activity shouldn't be really your matter or concern since you're not even a Supervisor in PLPD. If I were you, I'd be worried about my PLPD progress after posting this thread.

I know I had no right to get myself involved into this thread with my three-four days old Officer position but let's just be reasonable and refrain ourselves on creating pointless discussions such as pointing fingers at someone who possibly spent his time to create better circumstances in PLPD standards and shown decent effort to get and hold the position until now.
The PD already keeps everything that goes on private. It's stupid considering that it's a game. Not a real PD.
Why should people be scared of a virtual rank when they talk about what they want when it comes to the PD. People fool themselves into being pushed around by a 12 year old on the internet because of these ranks for a service IG.

It’s a game and it should be treated like one not like an underpaid child worker simulator.