Police impounding vehicles

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Description of the idea:
Put ticket book vehicle seizures on a 5 minute timer.

Currently cops can just phase your car out of existence and the feature is doing more harm than good. Theres also no policies preventing unrealistic / unnecessary vehicle seizure.

The impounding will cancel if the car is unbooted.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes sense.
- Feature becomes less abusable.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Cars blocking the highway a second longer than necessary.​
The cons outweigh the benefits.

There is a rtu policy for it and technically it'd fall under Theft if its improperly seized.
We have already had a change in the next update which will mean you have a loading bar to impound vehicles, if this changes your opinion on this suggestion?
You were illegally parked! Next time do your admin sits in a legal parking spot or despawn your car. The policies and features are fine as is
I totally love my car being pre-impounded at the scene of a shootout although its legally parked
I totally love my car being pre-impounded at the scene of a shootout although its legally parked
Report this, cars cannot be confiscated during shootouts in the same way guns can’t.