Police Ugrade

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Topic: It would be cool if players could upgrade there officer by buying or upgrading there license where they can get better weapons and maybe more amour, Or maybe a player can buy a rank.

Short explanation (in notes):
-License Pvt/(1) 50,000 - 100,000: Access to the Colt.
-License Cpl/(2) 200,000 - 500,000: Access Remington.

-Licesnse Sgt/(3) 500,000-700,000: Access to AR shotgun, or MP5.

-License 1 50,000-150,000: Access to the Colt.
-License 2 200,000-500,000: Acess to the Remington
-License 3 500,000-700,000: Access to the MP5,Shotgun,or AR

-License 1) 5 day playtime: Access to buy License 1.
-License 2) 1 week playtime: Access to buy License 2.
-License 3) 2-3 weeks playtime: Access to buy License 3.

(Option 4)
Make a application on the forums for special police privileges/ranks.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think it would be cool for people who actually play cop a lot and could actually earn something, I also think this can bring more rp.
I dont think this will be abused since players have to spend there hard earned money on there upgrade,By adding the prices really high it will make the player spend more time on the server or as cop to learn the rules better.

The few police officers who do have the licenses should not act as swat and only use it when really needed.

Optional additions:
- Charging the officer to pay for the licensed weapons such as Remington etc.
- VIP only.
-Being able to put shotgun/Rifle in car.
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I think it should be based on skill, not money, I think maybe, they unlock them after idk, like a certain amount of time as an Officer/LT. anyways, here's an example:

Rank:1 (Police Recruit) (Access to Glock/M9) (Default)
Rank:2 (Police Private) (Access to Colt M1911) (3 Hrs of Alive time as Police Officer)
Rank:3 (Police Sergeant) (Access to 870 Shotgun) (12 Hrs)

I got the rank ideas from the NYPD ranks. found Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Police_Department#Rank_structure
First of all; Colt's are not being used by the PD. Second thing; Where are you gonna get the AR-15? MK9? Nty.
-Support I think the weapons that are being used shall stay. Aswell if you did not know there are only 3 ranks within PLPD and those are; Sergeant, LT and SWAT
For people who cant understand a suggestion.

Colts are used by SWAT
ARs can be M16s or M4
New ranks can be added.
Ranks are optional to the idea, Licenses are another option.
PLPD dosnt have a Sgt rank (ATM)
SWAT is not a rank.
The idea was to add weapons not to replace (Obviously)

Sgt rank was suggested so I dont think everyone starts out as sgt maybe if you are vip but thats higly unlikely.
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I think it would be a great idea to add some sort of ranking system for players who enjoy role playing as a Police Officer, whether you have to buy the rank, or gain it through something it would be awesome. :)

I personally think the idea needs tweaked a little bit but a nice starting point.

+ support :D
I think it should be based on skill, not money, I think maybe, they unlock them after idk, like a certain amount of time as an Officer/LT. anyways, here's an example:

Rank:1 (Police Recruit) (Access to Glock/M9) (Default)
Rank:2 (Police Private) (Access to Colt M1911) (3 Hrs of Alive time as Police Officer)
Rank:3 (Police Sergeant) (Access to 870 Shotgun) (12 Hrs)

I got the rank ideas from the NYPD ranks. found Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Police_Department#Rank_structure

Agreed with what you said, that it should be based on your skill.

Else than that, I support this. But then again, it would allow the cops to be more OP.
First of all; Colt's are not being used by the PD.
That is not true at all. As stated above Swat often use a m1911 aswell as some higher ranked Police Offiers in the USA.
Second thing; Where are you gonna get the AR-15? MK9? Nty.
AR-15 is a close model to the Standard issue M4A1 which we have in our current weapon pack.
Aswell if you did not know there are only 3 ranks within PLPD and those are; Sergeant, LT and SWAT
Currently you cannot become a Sergeant (Don't know why it is in that dialog) and Swat is not a Rank its a Job. Although i've been annoying some of the other Devs to restrict that rank to me :) Gotta love that taser and stripes on my clothing.
Added more options to the suggestion

Royal Users help
Colt is used by Paralake and US PD, however its not use by the chinese PD.

  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png
    United States: Former standard-issue service pistol of the United States Armed forces. The pistol remains in service with various law enforcement agencies across the U.S, such as the FBI, along with some US Special Operationssoldiers.[55] The U.S. Marine Corps ordered 12,000 M1911 pistols for its Special Operations Capable Forces in July 2012.[5][57]
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Problem adding this weapons is the cops. Basicaly most of cops just do yolo breach in property without swat but giving them remington would be even worse for them and swat
Just remembered I haven't commented on this and I've been meaning to. So basically here's how I look at this idea... Yes I like the idea of allowing officers to improve themselves based on their in character progress overall, as it is a good incentive to earn money other than for a car. No I don't really like the idea of them simply having heavier weapons by that.

I mean as much as people say, "...but police have in their standard equipment in ______". That doesn't really have much bearing as they aren't what police are commonly walking around with, and trying to enforce it so people don't in the server is, least to say, an administrative nightmare. So I'm no huge fan of giving police bigger and badder weapons based on this.

So my next thought would be that you can unlock pay grades, which sounds a bit silly, paying money to earn more money, but if you really like the job and you're paying for anything in it anyways, earning more money would pay for itself after so long as you're more inclined to be playing as that job. Obviously there would be a cap on this, and the mayor would be able to set accordingly. This would also be available for any job, not just the police force. Obviously this would also be effected by what rank you are in the police force when that gets put in as well. So there's one idea.

Since the city pays for government jobs, having a person pay their own money for a certain perk in those jobs seems a bit silly though, as it should be issued by the city (mayor). So there was an idea at one point about "old firetrucks" which a bit absurd, however, the city should be able to impose more limitations on their workers. One issue there is the fact we allow premiums to spawn a car even if there are none available, which is good and bad, as it kinda invalidates the will of a mayor. I'm getting way off topic.

I'll summarize now.

I like people being able to upgrade their own personal job in a way, but I don't see guns as the best way.
Unlocking pay grades sound badass but maybe we could also buy ranks with it such as Sgt etc.

The weapons the police force have arnt really that reliable I find. Maybe adding colt and shotguns for the highest licensed?
Here is my thoughts on this idea and I hope you can take these into consideration.

I agree with the general idea of being able to progress through ranks, however I feel that the Lieutenant (at the time) should be the man that promotes officers to higher ranks, based off their performance and roleplaying ability, NOT based off shear numbers such as time or money that an officer has acquired. By having a Lieutenant decide who becomes what rank will show as a more roleplay related situation. The Mayor (at the time) to decide how many rank slots there are available at a certain time would also be recommended.

Furthermore, the idea of being able to access higher leveled and powered weapons based off certain amounts of money or playtime, is not necessary at all. A majority of the current weapons used are average weapons that can be used effectively in certain situations and so long as you know how to aim the weapons, in my opinion, this will simply cause more harm than inflict more good upon the server. HOWEVER, I do feel that the higher ranking officers (such as sgt's) should be allowed to have access to some extra weapons from the armory, but nothing too exotic.

Personally, I do not feel that officers should not have to pay for certain weapons, attachments or upgrades of any kind, just as they do not in real life (to a certain extent).

This is all opinionated, feel free to comment on any mistakes I have made or additions you wish to make.
And I know its not about Cops vs criminals, But being a officer you are a big target and people dont seem to fear cops or care knowing that if they kill us they can easly get away with it. But buying a license/paygrade/rank for a high price can reduce the amount of cops owning shotguns and the only people I can see buying this is the good roleplayers.
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