Porn On TV

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Edinburgh, Scotland
I feel as though there should be some form of rule that bans some horny 12 year olds from watching porn on TV, by porn i mean "nude bike rally" and "breastfeeding tutorial 2015" just generally anything with full frontal nudity, as this server is full of people as young as 11, and I can't imagine many people appreciate this kind of thing, I have taken the liberty of making a diagram.


Yes that is @LordTyla at the door in the picture.
If they want to watch naked people, let them, nothing stops me from doing it right now in real life, so why would anyone be stopped from doing it in a game? Although, it's really weird.
(This goes under 2.8 in public but why shouldnt it be allowed in private?)
This is a very controversial topic, but I am sure that allthough this isn't directly covered by 2.8, it would been enforced under it if watched in public. On the other hand, I don't think it should be banned by rule to watch whatever they want in their own private property.

As long as within 3.9 and 2.8 I am ok with this. (Also sure @Slayerduck is too :booty:)
It should be down to an administrators discretion whether it is appropriate at the time or not. An inappropriate time would be when there are younger kids playing PERP within the viewing radius of the TV.
why would you even watch porn in-game? wouldn't it be more appropriate to do it in the browser or better still finding a sexual partner in real life (roll call for a certain zeezee21 @Chris)
When did Peppa Pig get so fucking graphic?

Alright though, I agree with Daymon; it will generally be down to the discretion of the staff member.
Someone playing porn on their TV is also very dangerous. Just yesterday, I was witness to a poor young man being lured into the man-cave at one of the bazaar shops, and he was completely mesmerized by what he saw. Took the poor guy a few seconds before he realized that the door was locked, and he now had a gun to his face. If it wasn't because a caring friend had broken down the door and blasted the man's face off, the poor guy would've lost all belongings and been forced to sit there, tied and gagged.

To be honest, it's fine if you keep it private (and I mean really private - This means you shouldn't just invite random people in just because you're watching it. And don't go around showing it to 9 year olds). But if you show it in public, we'll gladly help you get off - The server, that is.
People please stop saying that there are minors in perpheads and please report their steam profile for breaking the steam license agreement :trande:

Minors is considered as under 16 years old, obviously most of the people who own a steam account are over 13 years old, and that doesn't really matter anyways, they're right about you not being allowed to shown porn on a TV, and why should they stop saying there are minors on perpheads? Technically their parents can accept the license agreement and let their children play.

As stated above you're allowed to watch these kind of videos at a place such as the forest, however if requested you should remove it. Do not watch these videos anywhere else than the forest as it's as far away from people as you can get.
How do you suppose I run a porno theater, then? I think it should only not be in public. For example: Having a TV that should be advertising your Bazaar shop but it instead plays twinks in action, not being allowed. I think as long as it's not open to the public it shouldn't be a problem, this is an RP server.
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