Server Suggestion Pre-Saved Props Per Room

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Suggestion Title: Pre-Saved Props Per Room
Suggestion Description:

Way back in the "old days" of me playing PERP (on a different server maybe 6 years ago), there used to be a "Saved room" feature.

Essentially after buying a store/house/apt from the bank you could go to your property and interact with any door which would give you a button that you could select to select from a few pre-saved designs (that you had saved before).

If you clicked on your design it would then place all of your props in your saved location inside of that property.

I believe donators could save 3 properties, while regular users could save 1.

This would be an awesome feature for shops so we can go all out designing a nice-looking shop and save our design!

Why should this be added?:
- Encourages players to spend time decorating houses/shops/etc as progress won't be lost.
- Could add another donator perk

What negatives could this have?:
- It could take some work to develop this, as you would need to check if the user has the props on them or in their chest before placing them
This have been a topic for a year or two, especially for people that mainly passive RP or have shops reguraly.

I think the hardest part is to save the props and be able to move/remove the items at the same time you wont use your own proplimit for it.

I know @Fredy been looking in to this before but I'm not sure if he found a solution
This idea is awesome in its sense, as usually the biggest problem with creating a nice looking shop several days in a row, means that every time you buy a shop, you have to arrange it again and again, which is a bit annoying with how the physgun works, for avarage physgun user.

It would be also massively useful in reinforcing apartaments, and especially bigger buildings like glass co., morons, and parker or the farm. I belive it would also cause more people to base in those properties. You could create some presets, for 3 people, 4 people in a certain building, which would also be awesome.

I belive Ellie is right, as I guess its not so easy to save a certain position of props, then take them out of the storage and place automatically, there are many problems with that, and I am aware that Fredy went through them all.

I would still love to see that implemented...
If there’s a way to do this that wouldn’t be exploitable, a pain to create, or a buggy mess, I’m fully on board with this idea.

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