Server Suggestion Pull from chair.

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Suggestion Title: Pull from chair.
Suggestion Description: * How?
Yes an F6 or /me will do the job but what if it was a small feature where just like CPR, a player with their fists out can press R on a sitting person maybe 3/3 times to successfully force them off their seat.

*How else?
This is only one way to consider it working otherwise maybe it can be chanced somehow where everybody has RNG on if they instantly pull somebody off or have to keep trying struggling physically which will make it a bit more tedious but interesting.

The chances of how easy it is for you to pull someone off a chair can scale with Unarmed strength. This gives more purpose to this largely un-utilized skill where you can now essentially make it a powerful tool of stopping rule breakers and opening doors for roleplay which depend on how strong your character is.

*Correct me on this but...
I believe strength is a gene. Unarmed Combat is a skill, so I suggest personally that both can contribute 50/50 however this is completely just throwing out an idea which came in mind. My goal is that the developers can leave out and take what they think is good so maybe that it can be a beneficial addition.

Why should this be added?:
- * Why?
Officers and criminals or anybody for that matter who has been in a situation where they or someone else managed to abuse the sitting mechanic which practically makes you invincible knows the obvious annoyance of having to deal with that.

- No minging the sitting

- No going afk while invincible

- Interesting mechanic with understandable mechanics that work to put detail into the roleplay action it portrays.

- Improves police work for many officers dealing with Sweaters or Criminals in gun fights.

- Adds more purpose to the unarmed strength skill.

What negatives could this have?:
- Minging by trying to pull randoms out of chairs

- Can make the unlucky ones feel weak so it will take grind to strengthen this skill

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