Pump Shotgun for Police

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Czech Republic
Give Police officiers Pumping Shotgun (Remington 870P).

Short explanation (in notes):
-Better Protection
-More Realistic
-Bigger arsenal for Police

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well, at all of time normal police officiers has no chance against heavily armored people, if SWAT fail, now they would get any better weapon, but it would be used ONLY, when it nessesary (Bank Robbery, Police raid on armed criminals, Police barrier/checkpoint), In real life, it's used for same things. The weapon should be in the car trunk, and if in action will something will go wrong, then they take it. :)

Optional additions:
-Only for VIP (Not nessesary)
-Mini Test for right using. :)
Extra note: I'm worst explanatory on this world, so if I wrote something wrong, then tell me. :)
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If it was before the nerf of shotgun or the tests, but now it would be possible with out too many minges.
-support IRL police officers are not allowed to own any weapon except for pistols

EDIT: my fault, idk they can +/- neutral
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I do believe it would be nice to have, but, the police are already OP, they just don't coordinate themselves properly. Officers with armour can sponge a few bullets and return fire, it shouldn't be too hard to get a kill with a pistol and armour. (don't forget the free bandages)
Just leave the bank robberies or raids to SWAT.

Something else, when talking to Alabin about this post, I realised how giving police officers shotguns would just cause them to rush into raids, trying to get shotguns picks.
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  • -support IRL police officers are not allowed to own any weapon except for pistols
  • They dont? I cant agree with you. :/
I'd -support to a certain extent. I believe if officers have shotguns it would just be too OP but maybe if just the lieutenant had a remington maybe in his trunk, then that would be pretty good imo.
-Support Too many minges, Cops too OP then. Criminsls stand no chance, bank robberies would never succeed. If they can sim, organize themselves and know the rules then they're quite OP already.
hmm i dont think its really necessary since the police is already OP and SWAT already carries heavy weaponry including the Remington. And not really sure but i think this has already been suggested before.
-Support from me :P
Well, I guess, that most of ''gangsters'' dont like Offiicers, and say, that they are OP. Well, can anyone lock it? :)
What about this the officers have to get it out of the back of a car (if on footpatrol its too bad)
only VIP officers can have it
it only have one "mag" in it (you cant reload so you have to use the bullets thats allready in it
If you had a system where the Lieutenant authorises it, it might work. Commonly police end up not being OP, and if there were rules for it then it might work
Say, in an officer down situation, the Lieutenant can authorise it, but in a situation with no officer down, they can't. The Lieutenant could have a control that he clicks, and when not activated officers have no access to the shotgun. +Support if given proper rules
Before I go into a suggestion thread or read the replies, I like to take a guess at whether the majority will + Support or - Support. When I read the suggestion, I thought that people would actually support this.

Where I live (Canada, Ontario), every police cruiser has a shotgun in the trunk. Now, I don't hear about shoot outs every day or crazy bank robberies or raids that happen. And the amount of people who own guns compared to those who don't, is probably extremely low I'd say. At least with the comparison of PERP.
Now with PERP on Paralake, almost everyone owns, and has probably used a firearm. I don't see a reason why not to give police officers shotguns in their trunk for a rainy day. Police officers where I live have shotguns and not nearly the same amount of action happens as it does in PERP.

A lot of you guys are also going on about the police becoming too OP. The police are suppose to be OP. It should be a huge risk to try and go against the police, whereas now, it's not as big of a deal as it should be, when thinking about robbing the bank, or doing something illegal where you know you are going to be up against the police.
I'm in an organization, and I've been in a few organizations. And sometimes people just bring up robbing the bank out of the blue just because they're bored. It shouldn't be this way. People should be afraid to go against the police and value their lives more.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying that the police should be able to whip out their handy shotgun whenever they want. The benefit of having a shotgun available to them should also come with heavy responsibility. Rules or maybe a system should be put in place to prevent misuse of the new found equipment.

As a result I'm + Supporting this.
Before I go into a suggestion thread or read the replies, I like to take a guess at whether the majority will + Support or - Support. When I read the suggestion, I thought that people would actually support this.

Where I live (Canada, Ontario), every police cruiser has a shotgun in the trunk. Now, I don't hear about shoot outs every day or crazy bank robberies or raids that happen. And the amount of people who own guns compared to those who don't, is probably extremely low I'd say. At least with the comparison of PERP.
Now with PERP on Paralake, almost everyone owns, and has probably used a firearm. I don't see a reason why not to give police officers shotguns in their trunk for a rainy day. Police officers where I live have shotguns and not nearly the same amount of action happens as it does in PERP.

A lot of you guys are also going on about the police becoming too OP. The police are suppose to be OP. It should be a huge risk to try and go against the police, whereas now, it's not as big of a deal as it should be, when thinking about robbing the bank, or doing something illegal where you know you are going to be up against the police.
I'm in an organization, and I've been in a few organizations. And sometimes people just bring up robbing the bank out of the blue just because they're bored. It shouldn't be this way. People should be afraid to go against the police and value their lives more.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying that the police should be able to whip out their handy shotgun whenever they want. The benefit of having a shotgun available to them should also come with heavy responsibility. Rules or maybe a system should be put in place to prevent misuse of the new found equipment.

As a result I'm + Supporting this.
Thank you. :)
I was going to -Support this but after reading "Tomiko's" reply i have changed my mind, he raised some good points and to be quite frank, people should be scared of the police and worried when they commit crimes. So in conclusion i will give this a +Support!!
Just say, in real life, noone is asking about OP, Balance... If criminals want to make bad thing, then they can do it, but It will be hard. :)
As the cops could get a shotgun, There's still the minges who will RDM using it and i kniw the Questions to join cops fixes this there's the people who does the quiz and then minges around. What about asking the NPC at PD for a shotgun to have in the trunk. And then get a quiz too answer when too use it and too put it back in the trunk etc. ?

NOTE: I will change my earlier post
As the cops could get a shotgun, There's still the minges who will RDM using it and i kniw the Questions to join cops fixes this there's the people who does the quiz and then minges around. What about asking the NPC at PD for a shotgun to have in the trunk. And then get a quiz too answer when too use it and too put it back in the trunk etc. ?

NOTE: I will change my earlier post
Yes, there should be any ''Mini test'¨whitch will proof, if Police use it in good times or something. :) But it's on Modders, at least I will edit a post and put this to bunuses :) Thanks for Replies :)
+Support, I raid the bank cause it's fun, it's no challenge and I think if you make it harder it should offer a higher reward, as after 3 bank robberys we got 24k, and that was 6 of us. I also think that the LT has to authorise use, like with SWAT. And there should be a mini quiz. If it does get added, there should be a whole new rule and law about it.
4 swat with heavy armour + 10 armoured shotguns vs criminals with no armour and weapons they have to pay for = the most unbalanced system ever. You need to think about realism vs gameplay balance.
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