Pump Shotgun for Police

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Czech Republic
Give Police officiers Pumping Shotgun (Remington 870P).

Short explanation (in notes):
-Better Protection
-More Realistic
-Bigger arsenal for Police

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well, at all of time normal police officiers has no chance against heavily armored people, if SWAT fail, now they would get any better weapon, but it would be used ONLY, when it nessesary (Bank Robbery, Police raid on armed criminals, Police barrier/checkpoint), In real life, it's used for same things. The weapon should be in the car trunk, and if in action will something will go wrong, then they take it. :)

Optional additions:
-Only for VIP (Not nessesary)
-Mini Test for right using. :)
Extra note: I'm worst explanatory on this world, so if I wrote something wrong, then tell me. :)
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4 swat with heavy armour + 10 armoured shotguns vs criminals with no armour and weapons they have to pay for = the most unbalanced system ever. You need to think about realism vs gameplay balance.
Real life isn't balanced. In real life, you'd probably be facing a lot worse than that. Plus there'd be a lot more police and swat there. Probably a helicopter and what not.

It's not like it'd be impossible to rob the bank. It'd just be hard, like in real life. Which would take a lot of RP coordination and heavy equipment. That being said, if this were to be added, the reward for robbing the bank should be increased greatly. That's a whole other suggestion though.

Not everything in the game should be super easy. There needs to be a challenge somewhere. I'm not saying that robbing the bank is super easy with 4 swat and 10 cops with pistols, but I'm not saying it's very hard either with a full organization such as the Belinskys before they were disbanded.
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Where to begin with this... Yes this idea has been considered in the past, no it wasn't ultimately rejected, no it never fully cleared how to keep it balanced, etc... Basically there are good points raised throughout this thread, but unfortunately a lot of them end with "there should be something" which requires us to determine what that something may be, or hope someone can find a good solution by discussing the idea in full. Anyways I will point out a few of my thoughts...

Police should be something you try to avoid being on the wrong side of, both true in game and in real life.

Police are not meant to be easy pickings for criminals, SWAT or not.

Giving police access to a shotgun would empower them to think it is their responsibility to take down all armed gunmen. So instead of getting back to a defensive position they will go headlong into combat.

If police were to be given a shotgun, I personally would only wish to give them one filled with beanbag rounds to stun and stop a criminal with less than lethal means.

Simply having higher power weapons just leads to more chaos, mistakes, and admin situations.

My list goes on, but basically my point is simply, have gun will travel. Police need to find better/have access to ways to defuse a situation, not enflame them by bringing out heavier weapons. Even if only every other police officer could get one, at times that would still be 5 extra shotguns which in my mind is a bad thing and just encourages more gun fights.
If this will get accepted, I would like to get more things added, like armour for criminals/private security, and when somoneone is robbing the bank then the police should not just rush right in. They would have to contact the leader inside and talk.

If we add this, the I surely +support this.
Im not really a cop guy,But I do think they deserve a damn shotgun dealing with the black man all day. I also think people should be afraid of the police instead of looking at them like chew toys.
Keeping the shotgun in the back of a (VIP) Police car is a good idea because its only for last resort also giving the police Lt and shotgun would be a good idea also.

Why Police needs a shotgun?
Sometimes Swat Dosnt arrive in time.
Sometimes no swat.
Sometimes the whole police force including the swat gets killed

For VIP Cop cars should have shotguns in back of them.
For Shotgun for Lt.

-Praise white jesus
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Denied - As long as Police are communicating with each other and are thinking tactically they can perform to a great extent. Adding shotguns will unbalance the current gameplay between Police vs Criminals. A lot of examples why Police shouldn't get them have also been explained.
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