Purchasing premium in-game.

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Hey there, so you're looking to purchase premium, but you're out of real currency or can't use a credit card?
You're in luck.

There is a single rule for in-game purchase.
1) The seller is not permitted to scam you, this ends in a permanent ban for the seller.
So keep this rule in mind when you buy VIP from someone else.

In order to set up an in-game transaction you must find a willing seller, who will be donating to the server for you.


1) Find a suitable seller via OOC.
2) Agree on a price in Out Of Character chat.
3) Agree on a meeting location.
4) Identify yourself and make sure it's the correct person.
5) Transfer the funds to the seller and provide your SteamID in chat.
6) Wait for the seller to inform you that the transaction has been complete.
7) Rejoin the server in order to apply premium.

Q: What do I do if the seller scammed me?
A: Make a report by pressing F6, provide their steam name or RP name and write what happened.
A staff member online will deal with your report eventually.

Q: The transaction didn't complete, what do I do?
A: Since the seller couldn't complete the transaction, make an account on the forums, or sign in if you already have one. Make a conversation with @Fredy (Server owner) and discuss there.
Alternatively the seller could return the cash you paid and try again another time, keep in mind that replies may take time.
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