Police Suggestion Pursuit specialist role: A massive change, but an idea that could work.

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Brief description of idea:
The goal here is to establish a unit specialising in high risk pursuits and the likes.

The Pursuit Specialist role will be similar to TFU, in the sense that only a limited amount of officers can put on the equipment required for it.

Pursuit specialists could go by the following names:
Tactical Pursuit Unit (TPU)
Pursuit Specialist Officer (PSO)
High-Risk Pursuit Unit (HRPU)

Requirements to become a Pursuit specialist would be the same as TFU in terms of difficulty getting in, however, it would require a different set of skills. Skills that will be required to become a Pursuit specialist officer would be:
- The ability to drive at high speeds with minimal risk of impact, loss of life, etc.
- The ability to maintain solid communication
- The ability to keep track of a suspect vehicle without losing it.

Just like how TFU Isn't exclusive to patrol, Patrol officers will be able to become pursuit specialists.

The equipment will require a trip to the armoury NPC. Another option for "Equip Pursuit Gear" will become available.

The controversial part of the idea people won't like:
This will result in the Mercedes vehicle becoming something exclusive to this sub division. My reasoning for this is:
- To give less incentive to join RTU Over patrol. (Sounds cruel but is much needed, anyone with time can become RTU for more benefits)
- To give this role a reason to join.
- And lastly, To ensure this powerful vehicle is used correctly. Too many times lately I've seen RTU in the Merc lose suspects they shouldn't be losing.

A model for officers in the "Pursuit" Gear could be a normal officers clothes but with combat / racing gloves, sunglasses, and a beanie.

Pursuit specialists won't have access to any weapons they currently do not have access to as a standard uniformed officer.

Whether or not this becomes a patrollable position is down to PD command organising this, Personally, I would say no more than 1 officer may patrol with this, the rest might just have to gear up in an emergency. Pursuit officers will however not be responding to incidents where they won't have any more advantage over a normal officer except life threatening incidents.

Pursuit specialists should have access to the following vehicles:
- Mercedes Speed enforcer car (Limited / VIP)
- Maybe a completely new police car? TDMCars has emergency vehicle variations of the Mitsubishi Evo Lancer that has plenty of templates available. I think that car would be good too!

My reasoning for this idea:
As it stands, the mercedes is a vehicle that should be used only by experienced officers who are perfectly capable of staying alive in a pursuit. Unfortunately, too many times recently have I seen the merc just being used as an Incident Response Vehicle, or worse so, Driven in a pursuit with the precision and grace of a drunk pensioner pissing into a knee high urinal.

Officers patrolling in the mercedes also cannot do prisoner transport which is annoying at times. Another reason it should be a specialist vehicle only.

This addition will also allow people who only want RTU for car chases to have a division they can join to do that effectively without having to join RTU. Of course RTU officers will be favourable for this role due to them being experienced in the field.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
Gives officers something to grind for:
Once you get TFU and corporal you really don't need anything else. This will allow for yet another sub division to join that will be action packed and fun.
Existing RTTO's could fill the role for training responsibilities for this position:
I hold full trust in @Mimball and @Bert 's abilities to organise training for this sub division and ensure officers get a fair chance at everything. I also believe the RTO team can do this and serve as shining examples as trainers for this division.
Allows officers to further demonstrate their skills as individuals:
This ones self explanatory.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
In order for this idea to be fully implemented without making the PD "Too grindy", their could have to be reductions in RTU Training, or alternatively it could be scrapped altogether.
The idea will also "Take away" the speed enforcer car from officers until they apply for the role and pass.
Other additions:​
@Samuel Back with the old stage system there wasn't anything assessing the officers level of driving. With the new mark scheme etc we now have a way to grade the officers driving skills and things like this shouldn't pass Stage 3 either. We are working to improve officers who don't meet standards and removing them is a last resort. I'm sure if you have any ideas or other officers who don't meet standards that you could report them to me or Bert so we can help them too.
@Bert has any actual evidence been brought forward as I find it hard to believe that since me and Jay's last patrol his performance has dropped that much
At the moment in time, I don't feel that there is a need for more divisions, we are trying to make the PD as simple as possible. Adding more divisions just complicates more things.
It appears the community does not want this.

Since Joining RTU, I have seen first hand that they are already training officers who apply with some solid pursuit tactics, and feel no need for this.
I really like this idea and it would be pretty cool to have however the current state of some RTOs isn't amazing and I feel for now the focus should stay on improving quality overall rather than in a small group.

I'm sure @Mim and @Hayden could use some of your ideas if they're ever looking at training sessions or such in the future.

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